CnC App

Jul 12, 2011 07:03

CHARACTER NAME: Finn the Human
FANDOM: Cartoon
CHRONOLOGY: I'm thinking just before S2 finale, before Bubblegum was deaged.
SUPERHERO NAME: Bodaciousest of Heroes
ALTER EGO: Finn (the Human)

Finn is from the Land of Ooo, which is a continent in a post-apocalyptic world of awesome. Seriously, he lives in a post-apocalyptic Earth where he seems to be, if not the last, one of the last humans on the world surrounded by all sorts of different species-maybe the horrible, sometimes tasty results of nuclear radiation. (It's safe to assume that as in one episode Jake talks about some movies from before the great "mushroom" war). Because he's just one of many sentient species in this world he is often called Finn the Human to distinguish him from others. He is thirteen years old. He was found abandoned stuck to a leaf by boom-boom (aka poop) by a couple of dog people that adopted him and raised him with their doggy son, Jake, who has unexplained magical powers. (Well, aside from him remembering rolling around in a mysterious mud puddle as a pup.) Finn and Jake live on their own now in a tree house, their parents having died, and they spend their days adventuring, being kick-butt heroes, dancing, playing video games, and generally having a pretty sweet time.

He honestly has no idea about the status of humans in his world (though Rainicorn's mom said in one episode she thought humans were extinct, so it shows that even if there are other humans there are not many at all). In one episode when the fact was brought up he knows nothing about family members or any other humans he starts to flip into hysterics, so he has some underlying, depressing knowledge he could be the last of his kind, but he blocks it out. But, really, he's content with how things are, despite this issue.

Finn seems to be an important figure in the Land of Ooo. All the various princesses of the world love him and need him to rescue them often, mostly from the Ice King that has some terrible obsession with trying to marry all princesses ever. However, Finn has no romantic feelings for any of them except he has a little boy crush on Princess Bubblegum of the Candy Kingdom that he will vehemently deny with furious blushing and nervous chuckling.

He doesn't know how to talk to girls.

When anyone is in danger they'll come to him for help or just plain expect him to help them. He doesn't mind, he likes being a hero, and will do anything from defeating the most dangerous of foes to something very domestic like . . . regurgitating food for baby birds because mama bird hurt her beak. No task is beneath him and his boundless amounts of energy means he doesn't get that irritated when people constantly want help. The only real time he got fed up was because whenever he tried to help a person someone else didn't like how it put them out, but in the end he figured out a Rube Goldbergian set up to make everyone happy. He's totally awesome like that.

He is, essentially, the quintessential 13 year old boy, only with a great air of responsibility and sense of justice and righteousness. He refuses to harm anything that isn't clearly evil or has done anything wrong. He even released the jerkyassed Ice King once after capturing him for Bubblegum after finding out the Ice King hadn't done anything evil recently. He cares that much. Sometimes his fierce loyalty to being kind, heroic and honest will lead him into mishaps, but generally those same traits will get him out of that pickle.

He's not the smartest thing in the world. He can't do math or many practical things that well, though he and Jake do seem capable of taking care of themselves well enough--though how much of that is thanks to Finn or Jake it's unclear. He doesn't seem at all bugged by his ignorance, such as when he was corrected by Jake when he called grapes "purple whatevers" and he just shrugged it off and kept calling them purple whatevers. All his skills and smarts literally lie within the realm of adventuring and violence.

He has an interesting vocabulary. A lot of things he says sound like they're from the 80s, or just plain random. For some reason mathematical expressions are useful to him to express how cool something is, despite how hard he sucks at math. At other times he sounds like a DnD nerd in his speech patterns, suddenly switching to a formal, almost knightly way of speaking. And despite his loud, sometimes crass way of speech he's truly a very polite, humble boy and he treats all princesses like a gentleman.

Aside from his love of adventuring, he likes doing everything all boys his age like to do. Run around, scream a lot, rough house, scream some more, play video games, finding farts funny, dancing like an idiot and beat boxxing. If he doesn't have something to occupy him even for a second he gets pretty antsy and bratty. Fairly certain he has ADD. He doesn't seem to mind getting hurt that much, in that he'll get thrown into things, or fall down, or get smacked around and not respond to it poorly despite all the scrapes and bruises he receives-he even has missing teeth because he ... bites trees and rocks. But he's not immune to horrible horrible pains like SPLINTERS.

1)He can pull his gold sword out from any bag ever. So from his backpack, or if he's missing it for some reason he could from a lady's purse, a passing plastic bag floating on the wind, or from someone's groceries
2)He has super strength-but only when it comes to breaking through walls. (He still has pretty good strength for a 12 year old boy, but when you adventure and beat up stupid ice kings as much as he does, that's just to be expected.)
3)Calling up a flock of penguins when need be!!


[Video: The feed turns on and you immediately are launched into a tween's voice-cracking shriek that started, oh, possibly 20 seconds ago. On screen there's a young man in a completely awesome hat looking this way and that, gaping in awe, pointing at things and clearly going through a whole gamut of emotions as evidenced by his changing facial expressions and half formed words scattered between incomprehensible screams.]

AAAA oh my gob oh my gob you're a human AAAAAAA you are, too!!! Oh, oh, so are--! [He's come across one of the City's finest and oldest hobos it has to offer, all twisted and dirty and a little frightening. He stumbles back a couple steps.]--oh, no, maybe not, nevermind.

[Dashes off to a group waiting at a corner to cross.] A WHOLE HERD OF HUMANS! Hi, I'm Finn, do any of you know me--oh okay, bye then. [The light's changed, they're crossing, so he continues running on, screaming until...] Oh, a hot dog! Thanks! [He reaches off screen as he's running and comes back with a hot dog, over his shoulder a fat vendor is shaking his tongs at him. As he talks bits of hot dog is spraying out.] Oh, man, where am I? This is so off the hook I can hardly stand it! The weird voice told me I could talk to others with this thing--[shakes comm, hot dog just everywhere]--you have one, too, Jake? Where are ya, pal?

Finn wasn't the sort to deny anyone his heroics when they needed it. Even giant tools like Ice Kings got his sympathy and help when it was really needed. But there were certain individuals that, whenever they needed aide, touched him deeply and got his blood pumping immediately. One of those sorts: old ladies. Old, blue-haired, tiny ladies that smelled stale and weird and kind of flowery from ancient perfume. They were so frail and vulnerable, he couldn't help but to want to help them even if the only thing bothering them was the slight inconvenience of stepping off a curb.

So when he saw someone grab an elderly woman's gigantic purse and knock her aside Finn's heart was set ablaze with heroic righteousness. First he helped the old lady up and helped dust her thirty year old dress off before taking off after him. "C'mon, dude!" he called after the thief, catching up quickly, "What do you think's gonna be in an old lady's purse for you?" The thief threw a garbage can at him, that he easily jumped over, still yelling without missing a beat, "Hard candy?? A mint with a hair on it?? If you stop now I'll only wail on you half as much than if I catch you!"

In response the mugger threw a person at Finn, who he also easily jumped over. The person was young, they could bounce back, so he continued on, upping his speed to catch him faster before the man threw a mailbox or a puppy at him. He stopped briefly to crouch, then leapt into the air with a quick ferocity that could only be borne from a young boy with too much energy and tackled the man with a triumphant shout of, "I gave you a chance, dude!"

A minute of senseless slapping and punching later, and after passing him off to a friendly police man on a horse, he went back to the old woman with her purse, receiving the totally sweet reward of a dry kiss on a forehead and the mint with a hair on it.

He swallowed a small computer once and now sings in auto tune.

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