Nov 29, 2004 08:45
it's pretty fulfilling to know that after every entry i write, i'll get to have it read back to me like you're a stenographer in a civil court case.
you can't possibly understand how infuriating it is to bare the brundt of your hateful remarks, especially when you use them as a response to actions that i didn't even know i should be ashamed of. maybe because i SHOULDN'T be ashamed.
enough; do you even realize what you're doing? if i could look into your guys and pick them apart, would i do it? you know the answer. and it's not because i don't care. it's for the right reasons.
and i can't wait to hear about the entry i'm writing right now, because i'm sure you'll tell me all about it.
i'm also done with begging you to stop; but as a result, i'm done with defending myself and people that you've never met. make any judgement call you want.