I finally left the apartment today for the first time since- since that. It's difficult when you keep getting acid-like flashbacks every few hours that make you want to puke. Stop trying to overvictimise yourself, Zuko. You're a pathetic uke at heart. No wonder Delirium so easily made you crack.
Mark Cohen-san, being rude to my girlfriend is not in your best interests. So you liked her as more than friends. Too bad. She's mine now, and I will not tolerate your whiny moodiness toward her when all she wants is to stay friends. Being a bastard to her will not prove good for you.
Sayu stopped by yesterday. She finally got to meet Ginny.
Ginny, what are you doing sneaking my peanut butter back to your flat, then back here? *raised brow*
Reno, Ginny... I love you both but there's no leverage hefty enough to sway me. I will not be your goddamn Batman.
Fuji-san, congratulations. The pink sparkles are a bit much though.
Envy... thank you for stopping by on Wednesday. It was appreciated.
Lastly, Fangirls Numi, Edo, Sheepi and Renge.... what the hell. I could have lived the rest of my life without ever seeing
Swimming Lessons animated. Series finale and all I get is 4chan mockery? You should be thankful of your online pseudonyms.
New people. Forgive me, I haven't had the best month. Light Yagami, 23, of Death Note. Police investigator in Tokyo. President of the Elvis Fanclub, Tokyo Sector. Perhaps later things may improve.