life update

May 18, 2010 22:32

So after two weeks off I had to start work this Monday. Now I always dislike starting work after a nice vacation, but on the other hand am always happy to see "my kids " again. This time it was different because I have this student teaching part time in my class, because this is her final year and we have this system that makes them teach part time for at least 15 weeks, and a coach needs to guide them and see if they are ready for the real thing. So I am her coach and things didn't go that well when she took over teaching in January, on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday. Some kids just didn't see her as an authority which lead to behavior problems and chaos. So I took over again helped her with some tips/ideas. And then after two weeks she tried again.It never went great, but good enough for me to let her do it for a few weeks, until April. I still felt like she didn't manage the group, stuff wasn't done, and the kids weren't behaving, even when I was teaching on Thursday and Friday, I could see they had trouble acting normal again. I talked to my boss about it and with her, and to make a long story short she had to prove this Monday she had improved or else we would stop this and she has to do it over next semester. She didn't improve...again there was chaos, she just couldn't control them. so we called the whole thing of. And today I had my class back!! Which was amazing! I had so much fun with them, they behaved so good! I knew they had it in them, all they need is good guidance and then they are great kids to work with.
I told my student to stay home and recover from Monday, since it was a big dissapointement for her. She did came by during lunchbreak and we talked a little about it all. So the more angry I felt when I opened my email this afternoon and she emailed me a 2 page long story of how she felt, and that I mislead her and she thought I hadn't suported her enough. Now I am a very patient person and don't get mad easily but I can tell you this, steam was coming out of my ears!! I spend soooo much time talking with her, giving her ideas on how to improve, letting her watch me teach to see how it can be done...and then this! She just isn't realistic about it.
I want her gone.. I need peace.. I just wanna do my thing.. teach my group without any disturbing things. But she might be there tomorrow since she has a contract and my boss thinks she should stay till that ends ( which is June 2nd).. and I sooo feel like I don't want to see her anymore. I told him that so I am curious what will happen tomorrow. There at least it helped to write this all down..sorry for the depressing story.

Me personally :
*I am pretty excited about several things! I have found this amazing series of books called "the Anno Domini Chronicles" . Amazing really, so I decided to get the whle serie, and I can pick them up tomorrow at the bookstore!
*I liked the Desperate Houswives finale..Started a bit lame but the end was like wow! Bring on next season.
*And then there's the Grey's finale this Thursday !!!( well I will watch it on Friday have to download it first). Now that will be sooooo totally mindblowing! I just saw the first ten minutes of it, and then spend the next ten minutes with my yaw on my knees! Man some final that will be!
*Jen got me the greatest birthday card ever!! She knows how much I love Josh Groban and she got me a selfmade card with pic of him that says "who is Josh Groban? " on the front and the non the inside is the famous Glee quote: "He is an angel sent from heaven to deliver platinum records to us". Man that cracked me up big time!
*I am sleepy now lol.. honoring my nickname Sleepy Jean... For who ever managed to make it down here.. thanks for reading my rambling post..

my life

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