(no subject)

Dec 31, 2002 03:56

I haven't....updated in two months. O.O
Yes..I'm still alive. I never was good with these journal things, really..
But yeah, for those who care...I'm still alive.
Updates on life:
Still no job...fuck.
Found placating HP RP...cool.
Half the RPers are hardly ever on or busy...fuck.
Moving to Maine is set for '04...cool.
Will be leaving all my RL friends down here...fuck.
Ok, I'm getting tired of the cool-fuck thing. ^.^;;;;;;
I talked to Amie on the phone a while back. I need to find her phone # again. -.-;;;
Hope her move went well. And she finds time in her busy schedule so she and I and Joel and stuff can get together and whatnot. That would be pretty cool.
Happy Yule and New Year, all. Hope your holidays went well.
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