On a more serious note.

Oct 30, 2002 03:36

I've decided I may move within the next 2 or 3 years. But there are pros and cons to weigh. If I move, I won't see any of my friends in person unless I come down to visit. Then again, I'm stuck here at home with no transportation, so I don't get to see my friends anyway. The friends is pretty much the only con, other than seeing the family in short visits as well.
The biggest pro about moving is I'd be returning to an environment where I felt more at home than anywhere else. I loved it when I lived in Maine with my friend, and the reason I returned was because the High School up there sucked major ass. But other than that, I totally adored being up there. The biggest con would be I am SO not used to negative-degree weather. I'd have to get used to that...or make sure the floor of the house is made up entirely of heater vents!! ^.~ Another con is, well, I doubt if there are any anime Cons in ME! I'd have to travel back to FL for Megacon and the like.
Another con is actually MOVING. How would I get there? I have SO much shit it's not even funny. I can't go by bus because you can't have much luggage. Same goes for airplane or train. Not to mention cost. A one-way ticket by bus was over $130. And I donno if I could make the long drive up by myself. I'd have to rent a U-Haul(costly), money for motels(also costly), and food(costly depending where I go). There's packing my stuff, and putting it away. And...the fun part. I, of course, need to discuss this with my parents. I'll most likely wait until I'm a few months past 21, since my family and I have plans to go to Vegas for my 21st birthday.
My friend is already looking for a place we could move in to, he knows someone who rents out apartments. 600 a month though. I'd need a job almost before I got there. Speaking of which, without transportation, I can't even get a job NOW, so saving up money is going to be hard when I only make $50 a month for doing the lawn. But, I have at LEAST a year to plan it through and think about it. This is something I'm set on doing and determined about, ever since I came back to Florida nearly three years ago.So it's really something I've been thinking about a while. And something I'll have to think on more. Basically, how I can pull the whole thing off. Fun. O.o;
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