Aug 04, 2004 21:30
so monday kristen john and stephanie came over cuz it was my birthday... and phillip wanted to see boobs at hooters instead but i would rather go to hooters than my birthday too so i get it. it was pretty cool... the first time more than one person came to see my on my birthday. so yeah that was rockin.
so i went to "open house" today open house is more like go see some old friends and hang around for an hour. now i have to go to school tommorow and its like 9 30 and i just realized i dont have any school supplies what-so-ever. and i dont know if thats good. i might just not even bring my back pack and be like oops i forgot it har har har.
i also hope i dont have to go to home room cuz i dont know where that is. psh maybe i should have used the open house for what its supposed to be used for instead of talking to danny phillips gatsby. oh well
oh yeah and ive been sleeping for like a day and a half like... seriously so im still tired as hell... i dont understand that.