♠ Discedo Application ♠

Dec 10, 2010 20:41

Name: Maresuke
LJ: bluebk
E-Mail: iamcubemun [at] gmail [dot] com
IM: IAmCubeMun
Characters played at Discedo: Cube | Petite Princess Yucie + Princess Maker | loyal_cube

Character's Name: Tatsumi
Series: Shiki
Timeline: Chapter 33, pg 19 after leaving Muroi with Sunako in the secret dungeon.
Canon Resource Link:
Wiki on Series (No info on Tatsumi)
Small amount of info
Another blurp

Personality: Tatsumi has a friendly demeanor that covers his sadistic tendencies. He loves torturing people both physically and mentally. He doesn’t care for mindless killing unless it’s on a larger scale, like a war. Otherwise, it’d be boring to him and he likes to stay amused. All his actions are based on getting the most amusement out of what he’s doing.

The werewolf is a great actor, although it’s always used to trick people. He is very charismatic and can express himself very well. When Tatsumi and the Kirishiki family first arrive he acts as though he is a simple, possibly stupid, and apologizes frequently. He has also pretended to act scared when the village storms to the Kirishiki mansion for answers. The most scary trait of his acting is how he can switch from his friendly attitude to a harsh and crazy one at the tip of a hat.

He's a great leader even if he is sadistic. Tatsumi knows when to push forward and when to draw the line in sensitive situations. He keeps people’s interests in mind as long as those interests are to his advantage. You may call him cunning in this manner. Tatsumi’s choices on who will kill who is all planed out based on what will be most effective. That’s why he chose Tohru to bite Natsuno. Tatsumi saw how Natsuno acted towards both Tohru and Magumi and used Tohro’s relationship against Natsuno to take him down.

Tatsumi is very devoted and loyal to Sunako Kirishiki because it gives him purpose in life. Her interests are highest above anyone else’s, including his own. He had a chance to slay Natsuno and wanted to but stayed his hand at Sunako's orders.

Revenge is something that he enjoys, specially if his orders go ignored or he is betrayed. He threatens people to not cross him, often explaining to them in short detail all that he will do to them before ending their life. He takes betrayal very strictly. He is meticulous and will plan out everything to get the most out of it even if that means having to wait for the right moment. When Ritsu, a nurse who had risen from the dead, was writhing in hunger from not feeding on humans, Tatsumi tortured her by making sure her best friend, and co-worker, was the one in the cell with her.

Powers & Abilities: Tatsumi is a sub-species of Shiki called Werewolves. Like regular Shiki, he can hypnotize people after biting them, and then give them orders they cannot fight against. Despite his heightened senses, which allow him to see in the dark, hear a greater distance, and more strength, he still has to be invited in order to enter dwellings. Due to his quick rate of healing, it’s nearly impossible to kill him unless a large enough blow strikes his vascular system. (Stake through the heart is a good example) However, unlike others, Tatsumi is not vulnerable to sunlight and can live on normal food. Without drinking blood, though, his heightened senses and Shiki abilities will weaken and may not function at all. Tatsumi also has a very sensitive nose, giving him a heightened sense of smell, greater than regular Shiki.

What items will they be bringing with them? Aside from his outfit, he’ll have his shades and a wooden backscratcher.

Third-Person Sample:

The night was crisp and chill and yet the trees in Sotoba were sharply green. The dirt and gravel gave a scrape at each of Tatsumi's footsteps. It was a lovely night for a stroll. Good thing the villagers were still so very trusting that they showed themselves at such a late hour, with no way to defend themselves. It made things easier for the newly risen Shiki when they needed to drink blood. As well as more amusing. A cruel smile struck at the Werewolf's gentle-looking features, quickly fading into his usual facade.

Speaking of which, here came a villager now, running and screaming towards Tatsumi. As if he hadn’t noticed the other’s frantic behavior, he raised his hand to wave at the stranger with a smile. “Hey! Good evening!”

“Help! Help me!” The frantic man’s face was pale with horror.

Despite knowing better, Tatsumi’s blue eyebrows tilted into a worried expression. “What’s the matter?” He wasn’t concerned or even listening to the other as they rambled off about being chased. It was the same thing he heard from every victim. Then again, it didn’t have to be the same, now did it? The sub-shiki’s mind started to play with the idea as the villager cowered behind him. He didn’t blame him. Red hovering dots started to close in around them both. However, they stopped at a few feet distance, as if waiting for something.

They were waiting for Tatsumi, showing him his due respect. They feared his judgment despite their hunger. He couldn't help but enjoy that, and keep them waiting a little longer. These were not the beloved family he served. The ones that surrounded him were his underlings, nothing but hungry fickle undead. The townsperson, half-forgotten, still clung to Tatsumi's arm as if it was the string holding him from fall to his death. Tatsumi pulled his hand out of the man's grasp, only to grab him instead. Tatsumi's grip was far different: confident, and much stronger.

“I wouldn’t worry about it. It looks like they want to say hello!”

With a cheerful expression, Tatsumi swung the human toward the waiting vampires. But, he didn't let go right away! That shocked expression and pained yelp were amusing to see, if trivial. But now, it was almost over. With a quick shove, the villager tumbled forward into the darkness, no longer held by the Werewolf's grip.

“W-What are you doing?!”

A boot came down, knocking the helpless man into the dirt road. “I’m helping! Not everyone likes to play with their food, you know.”

Tatsumi flashed a smile to match his words, as if he was doing him a favor. Watching him wiggle and flail under the strength of a werewolf was amusing, specially after the villager was so trusting. Still, this could only amuse him for so long. He curled his fingers into the dark, a come-hither gesture to the waiting Shiki. Dinner time.

Tatsumi rolled the man over with his boot, meeting eye to eye with the fear, eating it with his eyes. The Shiki began to quietly approach. One by one, they fell on their prey, feasting in a more literal way. A last cry strangled from the man's lips. Tatsumi's blood seethed in excitement at the sound.

Tatsumi didn't join in, but only grinned and watched over the others. It was satisfying to see things finish as they were intended. He felt nothing for the nearly dead thing sprawled across the ground. No remorse. The rush from watching others feed only made Tatsumi wish to do so himself. Oh, well! There would be other villagers tonight.

First-Person Sample: [Video]

[Eyebrows together in worry, Tatsumi’s expression seems worried and a little timid.]

What’s going on? Why is everyone screaming and running about? I keep hearing something about monsters.

Are they big and tough? Are they hurting a lot of people?

[His expression chances to a more focused and determined one]

Someone should stand up against them and start beating them, breaking some bones, and ripping out their hearts.

[Now his eyes light up while a grin stretches across his face]

Actually, that sounds like a lot of fun! Lets go!

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