(Set in WiaD. Down the line somewhere. This is her as she's writing it, and it's not being sent, so it's OOC-knowledge only.)
Dear Blake,
[pens hovers for a long time] I'm sorry
I miss you
Hello rough draft, I'm obviously going to have to redo this once it's done.
How's it going? Things are good here. About the same
Don't ask me why I'm writing you this letter when I could just call or email you. Must have something to do with sitting in a coffee shop in D.C. that we used to hit whenever we came up here.
It's been a few months since we've talked, and longer since I've seen you. I miss you. Kinda sucks having a best friend that you never see. Because [pen hovers] well despite everything, you're still my best friend. You seem to understand me, even without listening in on my thoughts.
If you did listen in you'd know a lot more than you should. Or maybe you know anyway. You always have had a knack for understanding my actions before I do. Like every time I fight with Dad, or make some stupid life decision.
Stupidest being pushing you away. [pen hovers awhile again] I know it wasn't a complete shove off, and I'm glad for that, but I still regret it. All the time. Every time I have a shitty date, or meet a guy I think is nice only to find out he's an asshole. I haven't even had anything close to a normal relationship since we broke up, and I don't even know that we were normal. It worked for us though. It worked for me.
I guess a shrink would say that there's a reason I can't keep a guy for long or give him much more than sex. We were great and I fucked it up. No great surprise looking at my family's emotional history.
I was young, and stupid, and just wanting out. Out of Virgina, away from the family, away from the "big sister" role. I wanted to get out and have a chance to figure out whoever it was I was supposed to be. And unfortunately, I made you a part of that loss.
And now [pen pauses] I miss you. I've missed you since the day we split, despite seeing you since. It hasn't been the same. I haven't been the same.
It only seemed to take several screw-ups, hurting people, and some really hairy situations to let myself realize how [pen pauses yet again] in love with you I am. Have been since I was 17. Since the first time we were together, the way you looked down at me, then held me close when it was over. I just didn't want to face it.
And now knowing my luck, you're happy. Probably dating. Maybe even have a girlfriend. And little Maddie Winchester is just a girl of the past. Maybe even if I'd said it back then it wouldn't have done any good. Maybe
Maybe this is the stupidest letter ever. Be smart, Maddie. Tear this to pieces.
[and she does]