Jul 29, 2006 22:56
Baby when you touch me.I can see how much you love me. And it just blows me away.
Love it.
I fucking hate my Uncle.
My b.
I Flippen hate my Uncle.
Dont ask why.
Because I am going to tell you.
He is ugly.
He has the most horrible teeth in the world.
He disrespects me and my family(meaning my mom dad and brother)
His wife =the gayest thing of my life
He chews with his mouth open.
And has the gayest laugh and its friggen horrible.
He wife is moving in with him at my grandparents. I am like WTF??
Get your own place you effing bum.
He is like 32 and living with his parents.
He is a lazy sack of shit.
He is at my house right now and wont take the signal that we want him to leave.
He has eaten 3 pieces of cake plus most of all out other food. He just helps himself.
He is at my house and will not leave.
He is eating all our food and being lazy and hiting my dog.
He is suck a fucking loser.
I sware.
He is is like a little kid.
He is so immature.
I dont even know.
He was eaten 7 slices of pizza. Full slices.
3 pieces of cake.
And 4 cups of jucie.
He is already like 400 pounds.
Ok. Not really.
But when he first moved back into my Grandparents he was semi-thin.
He is so fucking ugly it disgustes me.
I am so mean.
But I dont care.
If you can read this, that means I want you to know.
So, whatev.
We just got a cat, Stewie, and he wont leave it alone!!
I am just like WTF??!?
Its not your fucking cat!
I want him to move back to Orlando.
Like, no.
He is always calling me a royal bitch and spoiled brat.
He called me an ass.
And when I flip out cursing at him, he wonders why.
Can ya not tell, ya lazy sack of shit??
Like, he moved down here mostly to get away from his wife who he was seperated at the time, but he was all like "I wanna get to know my niece and nephew while I am here. I want to be a part of thier lives"
Now that he is dealing with his wife and back with her, his priorities are changed.
He takes me brother to Karate.
Before my Mom signed my brother up, she clarified that my gay-ass uncle would have to take him.
He was all happy.
He did it for like 2 monthes.
But now that he is talking to his wife, he doesnt want to take my Bro anymore.
And he is always threatening my brother. I am just like, you have no athority over him.
My brothers gie(karate uniform) will be on the floor or something and the sack of shit will be like "If i see that again, I will kick you ass."
Over my dead body.
And when my Brother doesnt want to go to Karate,he fucking flips out!
Just the other day, my brother like hurt his chest and it effected his breathing so he did not feel like going.
He told my uncle and he fliped.
Then I was like "When are you taking us home?"
And he went crazy.
He threw a chair he called us asses, and he was like "why cant your father pick you up. He never does. He is lazy" and all this crap.
I am just like, UGH!
You dont even know what is going on.
Like, my dads car is broken and my mom is at work.
How in the fucking world do you expect him to pick us up???
Want him to carry us on his back???
And I do mean hate.
I love Brendon.
So much.
We go through alot of bad.
But no one even knows.
There are so many good times.
And they are amazing.
We took a trial seperation before.
And now we are trying to work out our problems.
He is willing to work at this.
And that means alot.
And he loves me.
I know he does.
I just wish my mom, my grandmother and my friends could see it....