Oct 04, 2005 12:46
Yeah, yesterday was a 2,4,6 day. It was a bad day. Which I had predicted the night before. I'm a bloody psychic. Anyway, I had to write a conflict poem in McIntyre's class. I luckily had a copy of Un/Trustworthy with me and rewrote it to fit the requirements (rearranged the lines), and then Reyna read it out loud for the entire class to hear. I don't know if they liked it or not, but it was one of the better ones, I know that. LOST tomorrow! Whee!!!
What else? Walters was all PMS-y yesterday. It's all good though, I knew it was gonna happen. Oh and in the morning, I had to get on one of those micro buses - you know, those half-sized ones? Well, I'm almost passed out, when WHUMP! my bag hits me and I feel someone collide with me. T'was Patrick, who happened to get on the bus last. V. Uncomfortable.
I have nothing else to do, write, or say, so g'bye for now!