Apr 26, 2005 22:44
so i got a speeding ticket today. i dropped 3 classes a long time ago. i never go to my 3 remaining classes. i probably have 2 C's (or worse) and a B in my classes because of poor attendance and in some cases not doing hw. i make up excuses not to go to work and it works. i am now a weed melon. i fucked up my birth control..again. i just started some laundry after 2 months and ill probably finish it in 2 months. i drink rum at 5pm sometimes. i waste my life sitting at a computer. i think my car is going to break down soon. i eat too much junk food. i dont exercise. but guess what? im happy!! yay!!! acupuncture is fucking amazing, vitamins are helping, my skin is clearing way up, my friends are back and im not loner anymore, im moving to santa monica soon, i always have cash in my purse from working and overall and oddly enough, im feeling better about myself but i think all that shit will die down soon and jessie will be sexy kinda. thats all.