Nov 05, 2004 21:11
wow. i was in an ok mood and now i'm kinda sad. my dad has to work tomorrow and my mom's gone so I can't go anywhere. And I was really looking forward to going to Kid's in the Village with Allie and emily and speaking spanish to the little kids. lol. and of course teaching them the word of God. sigh.
I've decided I'm just completely not flippin anymore. Nada. Squashh. Zilch. I took a chance today and it just confirmed my beliefs. Either that or... nvm. And there's no point since I have Jesus I don't need anyone else and I need to just... stop.. So I was readin mi bible... and this popped out at me:
"I know all the things you do. I have seen your hard work and your patient endurance. I know you don't tolerate evil people. You have examined the claims of those who say they are spostles but are not. You have discovered they are liars. You have patiently suffered for me without quitting. But I have this one complaint against you. You don't love me or each other as you did at first! Look how far you have fallen from you first love! Turn back to me again and work as you did at first."
That was Revelation 2:2-5. John wrote it to the seven churches to encourage them.
The other day when Emily said she had a feeling that if Kerry did become president he'd be like the antichrist. And I said i'd feel that way too except the antichrist is supposed to come from Europe. lol. Don't know how I knew that I guess it was from all those left behind books I read but now that prophesizing stuff is really intesrsting me. So I was looking in Revelation to try to find if it said anything like that. Of course its never clean cut you have to read between the lines.
Today I felt weird. Like I was wide awake on the inside but everyone said I looked tired. Weird.
So I have nothing to do and nowhere to go and noone to take me anywhere all weekend. Except church on sunday night. I'd rather go to school than sit around all day. I can't wait till i can drive and have a car. At least with all this time spent at home it will be easier not to spend money. :0 Way to go me for looking on the bright side... sarcastically. I really don't wanna sound depressed like some people always are in their livejournals and profiles (none of my friends ;) so like I'm gonna be happy.
Bye bye