Awww man, this feels gooooood! No more exams! No more work! No stress, or back pain from leaning over desk! No more late nights studying the intricacies of finite state automatons and cyclic redundancy checks! Well, until February the 5th that is. So I've got a nice... let's count to rub it in, niiiiine days with which I don't have to do... anything! Muahahaha! And the news keeps on coming, on Monday, I'm finally going to go to where I'll be living come September and choosing my room, which is all very exciting. And so it goes with out saying, everything's coming up Milhouse Steve! I'll be awaaay for the weekend, spending some time down in Bath with the lovely
mischa_craven, so I'll be outta town until Monday morning, and in that evening, I might be popping back home to Chesi for a day or two, and then its back to sunny snowy something Sheffi, to get back into the whole grip of things, ready and prepared for a new semester of Software Engineering '07.
So, yeah, my exam. See, I went to my Computer Science theory exam on Monday, taking an authorised calculator and needing it in the exam. Today, I went to my Mathematics exam, without my hands on an authorised calculator, and didn't even need it. Where's the sense in that? Oh, and the exam! Don't get me started on that! How did they expect that would last two hours? And on top of that, it was exactly the same as last years exam, just with different more difficult numbers. I was expecting, and fearing it'd be all on something I didn't know, and I'd get lost and confused. After 1 hour 15 minutes, I stood up, and left the hall, not wanting to bear the agony of waiting in quiet... with a really runny nose that I was too scared to blow. Needless to say, I left and I blew. True story.
The lift doors opened, and his finger's finally released, and the elevator satisfyingly dinged.
"Oh good god, get this man some ice!"
* * * * *
Chapter the Xth: Jeremy
"Wait a second," he said, "This isn't blood! No, no, no, this isn't blood at all!"
"This is motor oil.... you dwoit!" Of course, nobody in this conversation knew what a dwoit was. Or where one might find a dwoit, or what a dwoit would be doing with a pineapple in the middle of the African countryside. It would be my understanding that if there were indeed countrysides in Africa, and if indeed there were such a fruit as a pineapple (ridiculous, I hear you say!) and if there was indeed such a thing as a dwoit -- whatever that thing may be -- it would be with a pineapple and in the African countryside.
"Did anyone notice a severe side-tracking there?" the second security guard chimed in. The first guard cleared his throat:
"I think we'd do best to ignore it for the time being."
"Agreed" the second chipped in.
"Uhm..... right, well, thanks.... Jeremy was it?" he said. Both security guards' faces went deep red. Like tomatoes, only, well, cheeks. So there was still a bit of peachiness in them, just more closer to tomatoes now than they were before he uttered his last sentence. Some might blame it on blood rushing to the surface as a cause of emotional embarrassment. Others might just put it down to what must have been going on after the security room door was shut. Jeremy, if that was his real name, coughed.
"Oh... er... you heard that?"