Lucky charms, DVDs and stuff

Sep 29, 2005 17:06

I've got a new lucky charm. And it works. Yesterday, after messing about with honkytonkman's dud battery for a while, we lost the battery. Later that day, it turned up in my sock. I knew it was a sign. Me, mischa_craven and axeman2002 played a nice throwing game... until it kept flying off. But then we lost it again, thinking it had been thrown away. Then, later that night whilst walking through my house... the battery presented itself to me... in my sock! That was enough for me. I was sold. This morning, ready with a fresh mind (well, not really) I placed the battery in my sock again. And lo and behold, it had good affects for me. I lost a piece of homework, but then it turned out the teacher didn't want it today. Later that day, I found out that a section of our Computing coursework had to be handed in today, but then later, it was revealed to me that it shal be extended to Monday. I'm telling you: this battery has powers. (No pun intended)

I really hope that tonight I will be able to find some time in my random schedule to watch an episode of the backlog of shows I've got waiting, including X-Files, BSG, Dark Angel, Speed Grapher and a whole stream more. Turns out Renno's holding his party on the night of the opening of Serenity. Now... I know I really wanted to see that on the opening night, and get in there with the rest of the Sheffield browncoats... but I can't miss his eighteenth. So, me and wormlover will just go see it the day after, hopefully. Actually, not hopefully... definitely. I've been waiting for this movie for ever. It's not going to be everything I dreamed for... because in reality, I wanted a series, not a movie. But, you can't always get what you want.

There's a new small housing estate in our little village where most of the properties have already been bought up. Some of the idiots of this community have already taken upon it and defaced the sign adding "Pakis aren't welcome". That's just horrible. This is coming from the same gang of youths (presumably) who attacked an old lady in our village, who later died in hospital. Sometimes, I really worry about people if they can't sort themselves out. Anyway, I know I've really lowered the mood of the post now, but things like this really upset me.

On a final "up" note, I got to taste the Future King of England's shortbread today. Because Prince William is on "work experience" at Chatsworth Farm Shop, where my brother works. Apparently, he's been working with him all day, and he's been helping my brother out. Because he's too small to reach to the top shelf, good ol' William helped my brother lift his tray of cakes up. How nice! Apparently, he's got lots of pics, but his friend who works at the Farm Shop has got some better Hi-res pics taken with a digital camera, so they'll be cool to see. He also made some banana cakes too! (No, I tell no tales!)

And finally: I'm still addicted to listening to *IT*! And yes, I'm gonna call it IT from here on in, thanks to mischa_craven!

work, school, bananas, shows, dvds, society

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