
Mar 09, 2007 16:05

This poem was written for my fan fiction story but I liked it so much that I decided to put it in my journal.

Falling and Flying

By Linnie Skills

Before you I was falling

Falling into the dark

Before you I was falling

Falling and screaming inside

Before you I was falling

Falling to my death

When I first met you I was Falling

Falling in love

When I was falling you picked me up

And I was no longer falling I was flying…

Sigh**  Not one of my favorites but you know, This next one is a favorite though.


By Linnie Skills

My love for you is infinate, my love for you is strong

When you need a good laugh I just shake my polka-dotted thong

You smashed your head into that poll one time and you were embarrested

But I just threw my head back and laughed, of coarse you were pissed

You were there all those time I had to scream or cry

I was there that time you wanted one of your mother's boyfriends to die

We have some good times and some bad

But I just want you to know that you're one of the best friends i've ever had.

**That one was for my one of my best friends Sammie.  This one is about my little sister.


By Linnie Skills

I kick your butt a softball, but you kick my ass at soccer

Your future is undecided while I want to be an author

I want to kill you sometimes, Leah, I really do

But your always here for me so i'll be there for you.

**Siblings, you gotta love em' .  This next one is about another one of my best friends, Sarah


By Linnie Skills

We met in the fourth grade but I swear we've known each other longer

I had no friends back then so I almost didn't bother

On that cold, cold day I called you over to play

We had hot chocolate and watched gay movies

I painted your nails blue and we talked about boys and cooties

But then you went home and I had to clean up my room

We think back on this memory and laugh we almost trampled my sister and destroyed my mother's broom

Thank you my best friend, Sarah for coming over that bitter cold afternoon.

**Another favorite of mine

Ha ha, I know they are kind of stupid, it's just I was inspired to write so I decided on poetry.

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