So last night Rocked! I needed a nice entertaining night and that's just what I got. Though I totally forgot about it till about 4pm, I was going to see MSI at the Electric Factory. After I got home from work I headed over to Jim's so we could load up the Cruiser and head on our way. We had to take down and drop off all the CD's and Vinyl's for MSI
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And I'll always take as much tits and ass as I can get. HAHA
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But... What if you had sex with others and learned that sex with you and Mark sucked in comparison?
That's why we don't just have 1 person we're with our whole lives says Condinkious!
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I'm not trying to get you to have sex or anything, just trying to give you another way to look at it all and find happiness.Not saying sex is happiness either. It's not about that. Ya just never know when thinking differently then normal can open up a whole new world. Anyways, just do what you think is right and fuck what others think. Advice for life.
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