Help Team Mercenary Hockey Get to Nationals!
Team Mercenary hockey recently took the Mid-Atlantic Regional Championship in March proving they were the best team on the North East Coast. Now Team Mercenary is looking to head to Nationals in Pittsburgh April 23rd and NEED your help! Whenever you’re traveling anywhere with a team and need to cover expenses, it’s easy to see how quickly costs can add up. So to raise money to help cover the costs of the tournament, Team Mercenary is hold a Beef & Beer this Saturday April 15th at W.C. McMurphy’s in Springfield. The Beef & Beer is $20 per person and covers free all you can drink beer, and of course delicious Roast Beef sandwiches. We all know damn right well you’d spend over $20 for 4 beers at your local bar/club, so why not do it while helping out a fantastic cause? For more information or to get your tickets please contact Dink at Or if you can’t make it to the beef and beer, but still want to contribute to the cause feel free to make a pay pal donation to with “Team Mercenary” in the subject: