May 18, 2005 03:17
Well I got to see the new Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith tonight and I just gotta say this movie was AWESOME! I lucked out and got to see the film in a near empty theater with only 8 people total (yeah I'm people who know people LOL). It was amazing! I think with no distractions and because I was going in with my hopes low it made it even more amazing, however Lucas redeemed himself with this one. I don't think he could fuck it up too much though seeing how this was the film with all the key occurances. I'm not going into too much detail, but Christenson was much better with his portrayal of Anakin in this one, the lightsaber fight scenes were way better then any previous, lots of action, the Emperor rocked as expected, and Anakin's transformation into the Vader we know and love was BRUTAL! Oh and the fight scenes between Yoda and the Emperor and Anakin Vs Obi Wan... GODLY!!! I can't wait to see it again tommorrow. My only complaints with the movie were the overly blatant rues of the Emperor. I just thought with him supposed to be so evil and sinister that they could have made his plots thicker, more twisted, and less obvious. I guess they needed to do that though for the younger audience. Anyways I highly recommend you all see this movie. It should make you fans of Star Wars again, if not for the first time.