Do to the insane interest I have taken in
Post Secrets, I wanted to have this OLD meme get started back up.
I'm making this post public, and taking off any IPS/no-anonymous settings. Post, anonymously, any secret you feel like getting off your chest or sharing. Link this to your friends/anyone. They don't even have to have a lj. Come on... share your deep darks. Or your deep lights. It can be as simple as "I really have a pop music addiction" to something more like "I want to die." Whatever you want to get off your chest.
ETA: I would like to make sure everyone understands a few things.
A. I am in no way promising that sharing anything will make anything better. I cannot tell you that it will help you, or have anyway of recomending further help, because I am not a therapist, and due to the anonymity, have no clue who each comment is.
c. I appreciate everyone that has, and will, post. And I hope that everyone has used this wisely, and was not hoping for too much out of this... as it can only give what it gives. No more. *
Started a reall old meme up again... but do it. I wanna get like 15 secrets on here!!