Eight Days a Week-Chapter 4

Mar 21, 2010 12:50

Title: Eight Days a Week
Disclaimer: I don't own em, I if I did glee would probably have to be on a different channel.
Rating: Probably PG-13ish overall
Warnings: None for this chapter.
Word count: 1984
Summary: After Burt has a heart attack, Kurt finds himself stretched a little to thin.
A/N: OMG It's not a prompt! I know, I can hardly believe it either. Beta'd by gleeker13 Thank you dahl-ing!

After Puck had talked to Kurt, Rachel went back to trying to brainstorm what they could do to help him. Everyone was concerned at this point, because really, like him or not, Kurt was breaking down and it was only a matter of time before he fractured into pieces that Rachel wasn’t sure they could help pick up. She knew that Mercedes in particular wanted to do something, so she backed off and let the other girl try, besides she was Kurt’s best friend, she probably had a better chance at getting to him then she did.

It would be an understatement to say that Mercedes was worried about Kurt. They all were, but she could feel her fingers itching to do something, anything to help. He was hard to get close to recently, and while really she couldn’t blame him, considering he was trying to do all he could to keep his family together, she couldn’t help but worry. He’d lost weight, that much was certain, and he got progressively paler and the circles under his eyes got darker and darker. Kurt was her best friend, and she absolutely hated that he was suffering and there didn’t seem to be anything she could do to stop it. And heaven help her, she wanted to stop his suffering.

One thing she had learned about Kurt real quick was that he had the tendency to keep the bad stuff tightly under wraps, and never let other people see the cracks in his armor. You had to be close for him to ever tell you anything, and even then, Mercedes knew she only knew some of it. The things he felt safe telling her, she knew he kept her at arms length when it came to some of what he went through. Things must be getting out of control for him to be displaying outward signs of distress. Her boy was fraying around the edges, trying so desperately to walk a thin line and he was teetering violently, it was only a matter of time before he fell.

She decided that Kurt needed at least a little time to do something he wanted, something to relax. She figured the best way to do that for him was to by pass Kurt himself all together. She started by checking in with his dad, she liked Burt Hummel for the most part, he was a little intimidating sure, but he genuinely cared for Kurt, and he had always been friendly to her. Once she found out he was working half days now, she decided she would work around that. She waited until a Friday rolled around, a glee club meeting that Kurt actually did make it to. Glee wasn’t beginning for a few minutes, but until then they sat around in little groups chatting. Kurt was real good at ignoring the glances and furtive looks that was being sent his way every couple minutes.

“How’s your dad?” She questioned and he turned those tired, bruised looking eyes on her, and she wanted nothing more than to wrap him up in the tightest hug she could manage and promise him that she’d make it better. She couldn’t, but oh how she wanted to.

“Better, he said he was going to work tonight and then go over some of the books.” He sounded tired, weary, and it didn’t sit well with Mercedes at all.

“Well we’re having a movie night.” She informed him. When Kurt began to open his mouth to protest she shook her head, injecting a joking tone into her voice. “It’s been preordained Kurt, even your dad thought it was a good idea.” And when his eyes narrowed slightly she steeled herself for what may come. All that did happen however was Kurt suddenly relaxed, slumping back against his chair some.

“Yeah ok.” And if that didn’t set off all sorts of alarm bells, nothing else would. Kurt had never been one to let someone else tell him what he was going to do, and he was just letting her make plans for him. She draped an arm around the back of his chair before forcing a smile onto her face. She would love to wrap an arm around him, but she could see the strain of his muscles at this point, and it killed her that her boy was so stressed out.

“What do you want to watch? I’m kind of in the mood for a trashy horror film, but whatever you want to watch is fine by me.” Normally Mercedes could tell what kind of mood Kurt was in by what he wanted to watch, but this time he just shrugged apathetically.

“That sounds fine.” She should have known he wouldn’t make this easy on her. She loved her boy, but he could be so damn frustrating sometimes. Instead of letting any frustration show she just smiled brightly. She had a feeling that he was really just trying to set her own mind at ease, but she knew he needed to do something for himself for a change. Even if it was just watching trashy horror flicks with his best friend.

“Great, we’ll head to your place after glee then.” And she couldn’t deny that he relaxed a little at the idea of being at home. He could keep an ear out for his father that way.

The two were left alone in the corner as Glee began, Mr. Schue turning a blind eye on the pair. He was hoping that Mercedes could get through where Rachel and Puck had failed, but really he was worried about Kurt. He was so tired that he looked a little ill at this point. He had already talked to Emma about it, and while the nap in the infirmary did seem to help a little, it was not nearly enough. Kurt clearly wasn’t sleeping well, and he was being stretched far beyond his means. He briefly considered talking to Kurt’s father about it, but he wasn’t sure how wise that would be at this junction. So instead he sat back and kept a steady eye on Kurt.

Glee went on uneventfully, and Kurt drifted in and out of focus several times, blinking harshly each time to bring himself back to the present. He was just so exhausted, and his muscles were wound so tightly with stress that it hurt just to move his arms. As much as he was thrilled to have a little bit of time to spend with Mercedes, he just couldn’t shake the feeling that he should be spending that time doing something else. Going down to the garage and helping so his did didn’t tire himself out or cleaning up around the house, or going to the grocery store. Something to make things better for his dad. Part of him felt selfish for wanting to even take a couple hours out and just relax. Kurt didn’t even realize when Glee had ended until Mercedes was asking him about the movie and he felt Mr. Schue’s sharp eyes on him. He offered up a pale imitation of a smile and shook his head slightly.

“Sorry, must have zoned out. Did you have a certain flick in mind?” He asked, standing, and for the briefest moment, he thought he might plop back down in his seat as his thighs burned, his hand unconsciously going to the back of his seat to help keep him upright. His legs had supported him, but that little display did not go unnoticed. He could feel Mr. Schue’s eyes burning holes into him, and Puck hovering behind him, and he turned his head slightly to meet the larger boy’s gaze. Puck glanced past him to Mercedes and something passed before he nodded and clamped a hand down lightly on Kurt’s shoulder, as he went to pass.

He was not expecting Kurt to let out a stifled yelp of pain and go crashing back down into his seat. Kurt blinked hard, trying to regain focus and blink back the little dark spots that danced in front of his eyes. When the throbbing finally died down to a more bearable level, he tuned back into what was going on. He was actually being pressed rather firmly against Mercedes, and Puck was talking and gesturing wildly, it took him a moment to figure out what was going on around him. Mercedes was murmuring gently, assuring him he was ok, he’d be fine, and her hands were so gentle as they gripped him to her. Kurt realizes he scared the hell out of her, and he can’t help but feel guilty for that too.

“I barely touched him!” Puck’s voice sounded strange, and it was then, Kurt realized just what exactly had happened. Puck had just given his shoulder a squeeze, it shouldn’t have caused that reaction and the larger boy was freaking out. He felt a little guilty for that too. He sighed slightly before shaking his head and pulling back from his best friend, who seemed a little reluctant to release her hold.

“No, it’s ok, really.” He was quick to assure and couldn’t help but flinch a little under the concerned glances that Puck and Mr. Schue set him with.

“Your muscles are so tightly wound I’m surprised they haven’t snapped yet.” Mercedes said gently and Kurt lets out a low groan, resisting the urge to drop his head into his hands.


“Dude, you are not ok.” Puck cuts him off before he can finish and Kurt didn’t realize he was actually wringing his hands until then. He quickly stops the motion, intertwining his fingers to keep them still and glances at Mercedes. He isn’t exactly sure what he wants her to do, but Will cuts in before he really has a chance to figure it out, he drops down into a squat next to Kurt’s chair.

“Take it easy; give him a minute to breathe.” He says holding out a hand to forestall any protests from Puck. The concern from the jock was a little surprising, but really it was hard not to be concerned when Kurt looked like warmed over death and that display certainly didn’t help matters any. “Just sit still a second, Kurt.” For once, it seemed like Kurt was content to listen because he didn’t protest, he didn’t attempt to move, he just sat there for a moment, looking everywhere but at the three people around him. Mercedes let her fingers slip into Kurt’s hand and he dared a glance up at her. She seemed to know exactly what he wanted, even though he said nothing. There was a reason she was his best friend after all.

“It’s ok Mr. Schue.” She said gently taking Kurt by one arm and helping him up. Puck had advanced a little, ready to grab his other side if he should start to crumble again. Once it became clear he wouldn’t go crashing back down she smiled, but kept the supportive hold on him should he need it. “I’m taking him home anyhow, and he’ll have all weekend to relax and recover,” and the unsaid ‘even if I have to tie him to the bed,’ was heard loud and clear. She exchanged a glance with Puck over Kurt’s head and the bigger boy backed off a little.

Puck and Will watched as Mercedes and Kurt left the room, and she was chatting like nothing had actually happened. Once their voices were no longer heard in the hallway, Puck turned to his teacher looking concerned. It’s silent for a few seconds, before Puck curses quietly under his breath and leaves the room in a bit of a huff. It’s quiet for a few moments before Will sighs a little with dismay, as much as he hates to think about it, maybe that phone call to Burt Hummel was warranted after all.

burt, kurt, rating: pg-13, glee club, mercedes, angst, wip, eight days a week, fic

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