Fic: Of Cellphones, Cars, and Care

Mar 11, 2010 19:02

Title: Of cellphones, cars, and care
Disclaimer: I don't own em, I if I did glee would probably have to be on a different channel.
Rating: I'm gonna got he safe route and say PG13-ish for language even thought there's just a little in there.
Warnings: a little bit of naughty language.
Word count: 1200
Summary: Puck and Kurt have an argument/discussion on whether or not Kurt will attending school.
A/N: I wrote this after I had a small argument with my girlfriend about whether or not I'd be up and about today...I lost.

“What are you doing?” Puck demanded, as he made his decent down the staircase into Kurt’s room. He watched unimpressed as Kurt winced trying to bend over to grab a pair of jeans.

“Getting ready for school, what’s it look like.” He prepared for the inevitable fight. Really, Kurt was sure deep down he knew going to school was a stupid idea. He should relax and stay at home, because yeah he was sore and aching a bit, but Kurt Hummel was nothing if not determined and he was going to school damn it!

“You’re not going to school today!” Puck protested, right on cue, looking at Kurt like he had gone crazy. Maybe he had.

“Noah,” Kurt started with a sigh and that tone of voice that Puck hated. That, ‘I’m being reasonable, don’t be an idiot’ voice that made Puck want to grind his teeth and gag the other boy.

“Don’t Noah me; you got hit by a fucking car Kurt!”

“You make it sound like it ran me over.” Kurt protested and quickly continued when he saw Puck’s mouth start to open. “It didn’t run me over! Yes, I technically got hit by a car. But it‘s just bruising even my dad told you that, and he got that straight from the doctors. So really I’ll be sore for a while. I’m ok, really I’m fine.”

“Really,” Puck started before leaning over and placing his hand on Kurt’s left thigh, letting the natural weight of it settle there, he didn‘t even exert any pressure. As he predicted, Kurt made a barely stifled sound of pain and looked away. For a brief moment, Puck hated himself for causing Kurt pain, but, damn it he was trying to make a point! Kurt was hurting, the last place he needed to be was school. “So that didn’t hurt?”

“You’re such an ass.” Kurt muttered, pushing the larger boy away from him half heartedly.

“And you just proved my point. Just relax, or I will go get your dad for reinforcements and I don’t really want to do that because we both know your dad doesn’t really like me.” Which was, well, true. Burt Hummel had been anything but happy when Puck first started coming around, and that feeling didn’t seem to be changing any.

“Noah, really I’m fine!” Kurt protested, and Puck gave him a look and moved his hand like he was going to touch him again, Kurt flinched rather involuntarily from his hand.

“And what are you going to do in those crowded halls if someone bumps into you, or if Karofsky is stupid enough to try and push you into something?” Most of the jocks had backed off Kurt for the most part, but several of them were still stupid enough to give Kurt a hassle anytime they found him alone. Kurt looked like he was going to protest, so Puck quickly went on. “How would you dance in glee?” Ha, he got him that time. Kurt’s mouth snapped shut, and his expression settled into somewhat of a pout.

“Besides, your dad already called you out for the rest of the week.” Puck added and grinned when Kurt’s eyes narrowed. “So get comfy and get back into bed.”

“Damn it.” Kurt muttered but it lacked any heat. He stiffly reached for a t-shirt to wear, nodding a brief thanks as Puck handed him one, and he did what Puck instructed, even though he wanted to argue on the sheer principal of the thing. Puck for his part tried to suppress the growl in his throat at the horrible bruising on Kurt’s left side, and how stiffly the other boy was moving. He knew it had to hurt, but Kurt seemed to have an insanely high pain tolerance. At least that’s what it seemed like to Puck.

“See, don’t you feel better?” Puck asked as Kurt slowly climbed up onto his bed, and he tried not to laugh at the annoyed look Kurt shot him.

“You’re such an ass.” He repeated, but again, it lacked any real conviction.

“Maybe, but you love me anyway. Now shut up, your dad’s about to leave for work and he thinks I just stopped by before school to check on you. So if he asks, I have a free first period and have a little bit of time still.” He told him with a smirk, before letting a hand gently brush over Kurt’s shoulder.

“Yeah, whatever Noah.” Kurt replied, but he couldn’t help the slight smile of the mental image of Puck standing on the front porch, stammering his way through why he was there and his dad all lurking upstairs, acting suspicious.

“Seriously though, just rest.” Puck said gently, a tone that wasn’t often heard in his voice, before he shook his head and spoke again. “You scared the shit out of me.”

“Sorry.” Kurt said a little sheepishly. Realistically speaking Kurt had nothing to apologize for. Some idiot hadn’t been paying attention, made a turn on red and hit Kurt in the crosswalk. Luckily he hadn’t been moving very fast, and Kurt really only took some damage on his left side, bruising and a little swelling. Still, it was a little embarrassing, and the way his dad and Puck had run in there you’d think he’d actually been run over.

“Yeah, well don’t do it again.” Kurt rolled his eyes, but didn’t protest when Puck kicked off his shoes and joined him on the bed. He made sure not to get to close to begin with, because as expected, Kurt’s dad came down the stairs a few moments later. He narrowed his eyes slightly, but chose not to comment.

“I’m heading to work now; you call me if you need anything Kurt.” Burt said before nodding briefly at Puck, Burt Hummel was not a stupid man, he knew damn well the other boy planned to cut school and hang around the house with Kurt all day. While part of him knew he should really make the other boy go to school, he would be lying if he said he wasn’t relieved at least someone would be home. He tried not to think about it, as he headed to work.

“See, even your dad agrees with me, and that’s probably never going to happen again. Now what are we watching?” Puck asked, scooting over until he was lined up next to the smaller boy, he gently put his arm around Kurt and tugged him to rest against him.

“I don’t care.” Kurt replied, suddenly feeling exhausted. He yawned when Puck flipped to some daytime court show, but couldn’t seem to work up the energy to care, and shortly after he was asleep. Puck glanced over at him for a moment, he really had been scared shitless when Kurt told him he had been hit by a car, Puck had envisioned casts and a hospital, but the bruising while bad, seemed to be the extend of it. Kurt was lucky, relatively speaking.

It only took Puck a few extra minutes to follow Kurt into slumber, lulled to sleep by the buzz of the TV, and Kurt’s familiar warm weight against his side.

burt, rating: pg-13, angst, fic, puck/kurt

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