Fic: They Weren't Friends (Except they totally were)

Feb 25, 2010 16:26

Title: They Weren't Friends (Except they totally were)
Disclaimer: I don't own em. If I did Glee would probably have to be on another channel.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Talk about Death
Word count: 1212
Summary: Rachel finds she has an unlikely friend in Kurt.
A/N: In my quest to write something that could be a drabble or ficlet instead of a marathon long piece, I jotted this down late last night (Or early this morning) when I could not sleep. I know, it's amazing for once it's not Puck/Kurt. It's a Rachel/Kurt friendship piece. If wonders never cease right? I just want them to be friends damn it!

When Kurt walked into the auditorium hoping he could have a little peace and quiet he realized two things. One, he was not going to get that because Rachel Berry was in here, but more importantly, she was bawling her eyes out. Under normal circumstances, Kurt would have done an abrupt about face and left, but, he kind of hated to see people cry, and she really did seem genuinely upset. So he set his shoulders, and adjusted his hold on his Marc Jacobs bag before settling down beside her. She barely even spared him a glance before trying to wipe her eyes clear of tears.

“It’s nothing.” She told him, before he could even ask.

“Oh really, well if you cry like this over nothing, I’d hate to see what you’re like when something is wrong.” His tone is light, lacking in its usual bite, and Rachel smiles a little bit sniffling and leaning a little unconsciously into him. Kurt hesitantly loops an arm around her, because damn it, she’s crying and they might not always have gotten along, but he’s not completely heartless when it comes to her. She leans a bit more heavily into him, and there’s silence before she lets out a little sob.

“I have to put my dog down.” She admits, her voice timid almost like she thinks he’s going to push her away when he finds out that’s why she’s so upset. “Today after school, I got a call from one of my dad’s. He’s old and suffering, but…”

“He’s your dog, you love him.” Kurt supplied when she trailed off, and she nods against his shoulder.

“I’ve had him for so long, he…he makes things feel not so terrible.” For just a moment, Kurt feels a little crushed, but Rachel continues before he can dwell on that for long. “I mean, thankfully now with Glee if feels like I have some friends, I mean, I know you guys don’t like me very much, but I don’t feel totally alone anymore.”

“We don’t dislike you Rachel.” Kurt says with a sigh. “You can be a little irritating sometimes, but we’re not as patient with you as we could be either.” He amends that he will make that effort from now on. “I’m sorry about that. You should know you could come to us about anything, especially something like this.”

“I’ve never had to really handle death before.” Rachel admits. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Well, unfortunately, it’s something you never actually get use to.” Kurt says, tightening his hold slightly. “I wish I could tell you otherwise. Everyone handles it differently.”

“How did you handle it?” Rachel asks, and then looks absolutely horrified, like she hadn’t actually mean to ask, but Kurt answers her anyway.

“I was only six when my mom died, so I don’t think I fully understood what was happening.” Kurt admitted. “But I knew enough, I saw how my dad was falling apart, and how my extended family members kept looking at us. But, just because she died ten years ago doesn’t mean we don’t still deal with it.”

“I’m sorry Kurt, I shouldn’t have…I mean you lost your mom, and I’m crying over my dog…I just-” But Kurt cuts her off.

“Death sucks no matter what form in comes in Rachel.” The bell rang, shrill over their heads and Kurt flinched slightly, but made no move to pull away from the crying girl.

“Do you…do you think you could stay with me for a little while?” Rachel asks, and her voice is so timid and full of shy hope that even if he wanted to, Kurt couldn’t have said no.

“Sure.” So the two sat, hidden away in the auditorium until the end of the day, and Kurt would never quite know why he offered to go with Rachel to the vet, moral support or something he supposed, but he did. Rachel would never actually understand why she was so grateful when he offered, but she was and accepted his offer.

That’s how Kurt found himself sitting uncomfortably in the waiting area, while Rachel went back with her Dads. They had been surprised when he had arrived with their daughter, but had simply nodded at the reasoning behind it. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the doors opened and the Berry family came out. Rachel pulled free of her fathers supporting grip and flung herself at Kurt, who took a staggered step backwards when she collided with his chest, burring her face in his shoulder.

“Hey, it’ll be ok. I know it hurts now, but it’ll get better, I promise.” Kurt murmured, wishing he was a better at comforting people. Still he wrapped his arms around her in a hug, and watched as her parents spoke briefly with the front desk before approaching them.

“Come on Rach, let’s go home. We’ll drop you off on the way Kurt, is that alright?”

“Yes sir.” Kurt replied, though he was surprised when Rachel made no move to detangle herself from him and go to one of her fathers. Instead she just snuggled against his side, and well, if it was bringing her comfort, he wasn’t going to deny her that. So he sat in the back with Rachel as they headed to his house.

“Thank you Kurt.” Rachel finally sniffled, sitting up and feeling a little embarrassed that there was a large wet stain on Kurt’s shirt.

“It’s really not a problem.” He told her, and he meant it. “Why don’t we go to the mall tomorrow after Glee? I’ll buy you an ice cream or something.”

“You…you wouldn’t mind?” Rachel asked, and when Kurt smiled she felt just a little better. “Thanks Kurt.” They pulled up to his house and he offered her a sympathetic smile.

“Keep you head up, I promise it’ll get easier. Thank you for the ride sirs.” Kurt said before slipping out of the car. The Berry’s lingered in the driveway until Kurt made it into the house before driving away.

“It seems like you’ve found a good friend in Kurt.” Her dad said softly as they pulled out of the driveway and Rachel nodded.

“I know.” And really no one was more surprised than her. After the make over debacle, though Kurt had apologized in his own way, the two had been civil but nothing more. They weren’t friends, so really he hadn’t needed to do what he had done. He didn’t need to sit with her in the auditorium and talk to her about her dying dog, or go even further and go to the vet with her while it happened.

He didn’t need to do anything because they weren’t friends. Accept they kind of were, at least Rachel thought so, if Kurt’s actions were any indication. No one was more surprised about that than Rachel herself though, and she smiled slightly. Underneath all that sass and bitchy facade there was a caring person, and really Rachel was thankful that Kurt was there with her when it mattered.

Even if she no longer had her dog to make the days seem less terrible, at least she had glee, and Kurt, and that would be enough to help her make it through the days.

rating: pg, kurt, angst, rachel, fic

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