Mini Fic-To have Loved and Lost

Sep 27, 2012 15:41

Title: To Have Loved and Lost
Disclaimer: I don't own em,if I did it would probably have to be on another channel.
Rating: PG-13-ish probably
Warnings: Character Death I repeat Character Death
Characters: Kurt, Blaine, Puck, Sam, Mercedes.
Word count: 250--yes Mini Fic
Spoilers: No spoilers really.
Summary: Puck has always heard it was better to have loved and lost than never loved at all, he doubts the wisdom of those words after this.
A/N: Just a little angsty piece I wrote out recently, I've been having some bad days lately.

“It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.”

Puck has heard the saying in virtually every medium. Yet, he sees Blaine screaming, crying, begging Kurt to just keep breathing and to hold on. Puck isn’t stupid; he knows Kurt isn’t going to survive. It actually hurts him to admit that, but Kurt is being crushed under a car, and by the blood surrounding him and the fact that there’s blood on Kurt’s teeth, well, Puck’s no doctor, but even he knows that Kurt isn’t coming back from this.

Sam is flapping his hands ineffectively beside Blaine, while Mercedes is screaming into her cell phone. Puck vaguely wonders where they others are, they had been ahead of them before the accident happened. He hears Kurt voice, he can’t make out the words, but after he sees the stricken look on Sam’s face, and then Blaine lays flat on his stomach so he can reach out to grip Kurt’s hand, he thinks maybe it’s better he didn’t hear. Blaine’s not screaming anymore, but he’s still crying, his body shaking with sobs.

Puck watches like he’s in a fog, he feels heavy and useless and he finally understands when people say it’s like watching a train wreck.

He’s always heard it’s better to love and lose than to never love at all, but as he watches Kurt fade away and Blaine cling to him sobbing out denials, well Puck doesn’t think that seems better at all.

sam, kurt, rating: pg-13, angst, puck, mercedes, blaine

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