Survived doing Inventory high five!

Feb 04, 2010 23:04

I had to do inventory at work today and that was AWFUL! So I live about 45 minutes away from my job, and they wanted me there at seven. So I ended up getting up around four thirty so I had time to eat and wake up some before going to work. I have low blood pressure issues, I need to eat or I could end up passing out and that would be embarrassing. So I get there and all the managers are like “Why are you here so early?” and it was because our store manager asked me to, which would have fucked over the second shift crew, so I asked if they could call in another employee who wants more hours (We all want more hours, they’ve totally fucked us on hours) so that works out, and whatever.

Inventory was done by a company (We had to stand around and double check their work, that’s kind of stupid, we could have just done it if that was the case!) and it was full of skeezy guys. I got hit on all damn day! Let me tell you seven am is too early to hear cheesy pickup lines! And some of what they said was just flat out inappropriate and one of the managers ended up having me just stick with him until they left because he didn’t appreciate some of what they were implying.

Yeah, so my day was kind of long and I’m exhausted, and I have to work tomorrow. At least I’m off the weekend, and things could be worse, I could be stuck working another eight days in a row, that was brutal when I did that last time and I wasn’t sure I was gonna make it lol.

Ro, good luck with your surgery doll-face, and I’ll try and have your story up for you over the weekend or early next week (Still working on it) and hopefully the angst will cheer you up, or at least make you think “Well at least my situation isn’t that bad!” I hope everything goes well and that your wrist starts feeling better soon!
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