I'm just a little bit annoyed.

Feb 14, 2012 15:39

I never really do anything for my birthday, but still it might be nice if people wished me a happy birthday before they wished me a happy valentines day sometimes. Example, today my crazy cousin Miri who I rarely speak to called me, and after complaining about not having seen the baby yet, wished me a Happy Valentines Day, and when her brother Adam (who is the only person on that side of the family I actually like) told her it was more importantly, my 30th Birthday, her response was "So? Valentines Day is a holiday, I don't need to wish her a happy birthday, I wished her a happy Valentines, you know the actual event for today." Which sparked an argument between the two and I hung up before I could dragged into that mess.

First, I don't think Valentines Day is a holiday. Don't get me wrong, I like Valentines Day and all, but I don't think it's a holiday. Secondly, Miri were you not the one who thew a full on temper tantrum the year your birthday fell on Easter? Because not everyone was going to pay attention only to you and dared to wish you a Happy Easter before wishing you a happy birthday? So by your reasoning, we should have ignored your whining and just wished you a happy Easter because it was the actual event for the day. I really don't understand why she caused such a stink over it, it's not like people didn't still wish her a Happy Birthday.

I mean, I never really celebrate my birthday, this probably stems from years of people telling me it was not worth celebrating, but still her attitude irritated me. She threw a fit when Easter fell on her birthday, My birthday is on Valentines Day, It's always going to be, I don't throw a tantrum that not everyone is paying attention to me. Hell today I'm making Michelle dinner and then we're going to watch a movie, which I get to pick. (She owes me SO many movies)

I guess since the people who matter acknowledge that it's my birthday too, it never seemed like to big of a deal, it's just a little annoying that I hear Happy Valentines before I hear Happy Birthday. I guess that's kinda childish when I think about it. Especially considering I don't really even celebrate it. I guess part of me still kinda thinks maybe it's not worth celebrating and when people say Happy Valentines instead of Happy Birthday it kind of reinforces it. I have issues, I know.

Also, I'm having to do this in the rich text version, because everything has gone crazy small on my LJ and for the life of me I have no idea why or how to fix it. Everything I've tried so far just reverts back to tiny. It's really kind of weird and I think the Gremlins may have gotten mad at me and attacked my computer.
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