Momma drama meltdown

Feb 01, 2011 22:51

What a bad day.

Let me apologize in advance for the rambling of this post, as my head is all jumbled up and I’m not quite sure what to do with myself.

So as some of you may remember, I was talking about how messed up work and my mother and the death of my cat and all that was.

I have a new addition to that messed up story.

I have to get this out, because I’m totally weirded out and have no idea what to do at this point.

So as some of you may remember there is actually a restraining order out against my mother, which she breaks whenever the hell she feels like. Today was one of those days.

But today was different; this breaks from her pattern because she’s never actually done this before. Sure she’s always been verbally abusive and there’s always been mind games, but she actually tried to hit me today, and she’s never done that before.

It was so weird because nothing set it off really. We weren’t arguing or anything like that. She showed up at the door, said she wanted to talk to me, and then took a swing. Now maybe it was because I stayed with my ex for so long but my reflexes are actually pretty good and I was able to block her. She didn’t actually hit me, but the fact that she tried, it’s just…she’s never done it before. And I really shouldn't be so surprised, but after all this time, if she was going to hit me you'd think she'd have done it already. I guess she was just content to let my ex do the hitting before.

I have no idea what's going on. All I know for certain is that my suspicions that she's bipolar at best are being confirmed. And now the police can’t seem to find her, which is…unsettling to say the least.

And my head just hurts and I’m not sure what to do with myself and I just want to lay down and rest, but I can’t.

Right now my life sucks, and I just want it to stop sucking so hard.

Someone give me a hug.
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