Fic: You Say it's Your Birthday!

Aug 08, 2010 21:17

Title: You Say it's Your Birthday!
Disclaimer: I don't own em,if I did it would probably have to be on another channel.
Rating: low R probably
Warnings: Language, angst, oh the angst! mamabear!Santana(She's the win!)
Characters: Kurt, Santana, Finn, Brittany, Mike, Matt, Mercedes, The Glee Club, Mr. Schue, Burt, Carole...yeah just about everyone!
Word count: 3,339
Spoilers: Lets say through season one to be safe.
Summary: Kurt finds out who's really important to him when his birthday is forgotten.
A/N: Written for my lovey baronbacon for her birthday! Did someone say Draco Malfoy? I mean...Angst?! WELL if you said Angst, then here you go, a big heaping bowl of birthday angst! I've read several stories where they forget Kurt's birthday, and then it's ok again...well no. They have to work for it this time...well kinda!

Kurt decided that having your birthday forgotten by the people who claim to care about you is the worst feeling ever.

It hurt worse than when you stub your little pinky toe against the door frame. He sighed and trudged slowly into his house, because god he was tired. Bone-deep, sit down before you fall down tired. It had been a bad, trying day, and really he just wanted to be around someone who actually gave a crap about him, at least for a little while. School had been particularly brutal, as had his cheerios practice and he just needed a reprieve, a friendly face to help ease his weariness, except he was having a hard time finding any of the people who supposedly cared. Was it really so much to ask that someone mention they were glad he was born at all? A simple “Hey Happy Birthday!” would suffice.

Mercedes had canceled their shopping date, apparently Quinn needed her help with something since she’d moved back in with her mom. Kurt had known for a while now really, because Mercedes would have at least made the pretense of finding time for him before. Mercedes was his best friend, but he’s not hers. Not anymore. Which he tried to pretend didn’t hurt as much as it did. They were still friends after all, but he’s getting ditched more frequently. He tried not to think about how easily he was replaced.

His dad wasn’t home. He looked over the house to see if anyone was home, he came up empty. When he finally entered the kitchen he found the note on the fridge explaining that they went out to dinner and to go see a movie. They’d be back later. Wow, that didn’t make him feel left out or anything. Not on his fucking birthday. So instead of spending it with people who he thought cared about him, Kurt spent his birthday eating cold leftovers, doing homework, and going to bed early.

No one says anything the next morning at the breakfast table, and Kurt’s to tired to actually bring it up. He slept horribly. Instead, he goes to school and pretends to listen to Finn talk about the movie and the fantastic dinner they had. They nice dinner they had out, while Kurt had cold pizza. On his birthday. Yeah, he was really interested in hearing all about that.

Mercedes barely threw him a wave as he passes. He ignored it, and continued on to his locker, it wouldn’t be like she’d notice if he waved back or anything. He managed to dodge the usual gamut of bullies and made it through the first half of his day with little incident. He thought about avoiding lunch all together, but when Mercedes swept up and captured his arm in hers, chattering on about what she and Quinn did yesterday, Kurt just resigned himself to his fate.

Kurt vaguely thought about cutting glee. He wasn’t sure if he could take it at the moment, but he ran into Rachel along the way, and she more or less dragged him there, going a mile a minute about several songs she thought would be ‘just perfect’ for the club. Meaning it was something she could sing. Kurt just sighed and let her drag him along. Once they actually reached their destination, she broke away from him and beelined over to Finn. Kurt was caught off guard when Brittany came bounding over to him with a grin on her face and gave him a giant hug.

“Come with me!” She said excitedly, taking his hand and leading him over to where Mike, Matt, and Santana sat. He saw no reason not to sit with them, though he sees that Mercedes looks surprised he was not sitting with her. When Mr. Schue entered, Brittany’s hand shot into the air and started waving around like if she didn’t get called on soon, she just might die.

“We have something we’d like to share!” She said motioning to the other three. He looked somewhat surprised, but smiled and let them take the floor; it was good they felt encouraged enough to share.

“Sorry we couldn’t do this for you yesterday, Kurt.” Matt said and Kurt suddenly started in his chair, because what?

“You say it's your birthday
It's my birthday too--yeah
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you.

Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party.

I would like you to dance--Birthday
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance-Birthday
I would like you to dance--Birthday

You say it's your birthday
Well it's my birthday too--yeah
You say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you!”

The song includes a dance that Mike must have choreographed for them, and Kurt can’t help but be touched that at least someone remembered, even he was honestly surprised it was them. He felt a little blush creeping up his neck, but tried to fight down the embarrassment. He accepted another hug from Brittany readily, and the slaps on the back from Mike and Matt as he thanked them honestly. He even grinned at Santana when she pat his arm a little bit.

“Really awesome work guys!” Mr. Schue praised. “Happy Birthday Kurt.”

Before Kurt could reply, Mercedes let out a noise like she was being strangled and when he turned to look over in that direction, he can see the others all look a little horrified. Mercedes was pale and looked like she was going to cry, and Finn looked like someone just kicked him in the balls.

“Wait, yesterday?” Quinn asked tentatively, and Brittany nodded enthusiastically.

“Yeah, but we didn’t have glee yesterday, and Matt was sick, so we couldn’t do it then.” Quinn and Mercedes exchange a troubled look and Tina ventured to speak worrying at her bottom lip.

“I’m sorry Kurt, I didn’t know.” And to be fair, he had never told Tina, he didn’t expect her to know. He smiled, even if it was a little weakly at her.

“I never told you when it was, so how could you?” The now tense atmosphere went over Brittany’s head though and she grinned.

“What did you do, anything fun?”

“Um, no. I had dinner, did homework, and went to bed.”

“That’s a pretty lame birthday dude, are you doing something this weekend then? I mean it is Friday.” Mike said, exchanging a glance with Matt. Surely, Finn and Mercedes who claimed to be the closest to Kurt wouldn’t have forgotten right? Kurt shook his head a little bit, as far as he knew, he had no plans.

“Oh my god, you all forgot!” Santana shouted accusingly, suddenly, and right by Kurt’s ear.

“To be fair, most of them didn’t know.” Kurt defended, though he’s not sure why he bothered. Mercedes looked so guilty it almost hurt to look at her though. And Finn was still sporting that look on his face. Really Kurt just wanted the subject to change.

It didn’t.

“But I knew.” Mercedes said standing and moving towards him. “I knew, and I blew you off. I wasn’t thinking…It’s just Quinn and I-”

“Don’t worry about it.” Kurt cut her off, because he was kind of tired all of a sudden, and Mercedes stalled halfway to him. “It’s just a day.”

“It’s not just a day, it was your birthday!” Santana argued. She jabbed a finger in Mercedes direction. “Aren’t you supposed to be his best friend? Hell even Coach Sylvester wished him a happy birthday.”

“After she made me run two extra laps.” Kurt said which was true. After being kept to run two extra laps after most of the others had left, he was dismissed with an abrupt. “You may go.” and followed by a quick “Ladyface! Happy Birthday.” She’d then thrown his duffle bag at him and barked that he leave immediately. He had met up with Brittany and Santana in the hall, but they had parted quickly after, he hadn’t realized they had been witness to the exchange.

“That was her birthday gift to you.” Brittany said with a warm smile, and that apparently was hysterical to Mike and Matt who laugh so hard they cried a little.

“Oh man Kurt…” Finn finally seemed to find his tongue. “We- I mean even your dad…”

“Yes Finn, I’m aware thank you.” It was the coldest tone he’d ever used with him before and Finn recoiled briefly before forging on. Squatting down, hand resting on the chair by Kurt’s leg.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t even keep track of the date and oh man I’m so, so sorry.”

“Do you mean to say that not even Kurt’s dad remembered his birthday?” Mike asked, no mirth in his voice now, he sounded absolutely horrified.

“Um, we went to dinner and a movie.” Finn admitted and that seemed to be what frayed the very last of Santana’s patience, which wasn’t particularly abundant to begin with.

“Wow, you guys are really stellar friends, you know that? I mean I totally feel how loved he is.” She said snidely and Brittany starts crying a little, hugging Kurt and dropping her head to his shoulder. And wasn’t that just the topper of the shit storm that was about to come.

“That’s not-” Quinn started, but she was cut off before she could get very far in her protest.

“What it’s not fair?” Santana demanded. “No what’s not fair is that he spent his birthday alone. That’s a real shitty thing to do someone you consider your friend. What’s not fair is that the people he counts on to let him know that hell, at least some people like the fact he’s gracing this earth completely let him down over and over again.”

“Santana-” Mr. Schue tried to interject, but she was a steamroller now, and she wouldn’t be stopped.

“How long had you had your plans with Kurt for?” She demanded of Mercedes and the other girl shifted a little. “Is he just your back up plan now? If Quinn’s available you’ll drop him, because really was it an emergency? He couldn’t have come too?” Mercedes was crying by then, and Kurt couldn’t help but feel like he was trapped in a very surreal dream. Because honestly, in what reality would Santana ever defend him?

“That’s so mean.” Brittany simpered, and Kurt brought his arm up to rest around her shoulders, not even minding all that much that she was probably getting tear stains and snot on his jacket.

“And you!” Santana rounded on Finn, jabbing a finger in his chest. “You’re even worse. Aren’t you the one who’s always telling him he’s your friend? Well you’re a pretty shitty friend Finn! It’s real one-sided! I’ve seen you talk to Kurt, lay all your problems out for him, but have you ever, even once, done the same thing for him?” There’s something in her eyes that Finn thinks she knows about the room incident, and he tries to open his mouth before Matt lets out a disgusted noise.

“Wow, that’s…I’m real sorry Kurt. If I had known it was like that, I’d have at least given you a call or something.”

“Yeah man, I thought you were with you family.” Mike said and they both looked guiltier than they should.

“Hey, you guys didn’t even have to do this, I really appreciated that.” Kurt’s voice sounded tired. Almost as tired as he felt, and Santana surged to her feet, making Finn skitter back a couple steps.

“That’s it, come on, we’re leaving.” She said taking hold of Kurt’s elbow and shifting upwards. Instinctively, Kurt followed, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to piss her off any further. “We’re going to my house, and I’m going to make you dinner.”

“Make me dinner?” Kurt echoed, and Santana nodded.

“Yes, let’s go.” Brittany, Matt, and Mike followed; Mr. Schue made no effort to stop them. Once they were gone, the others just stared at each other.

How the hell were they suppose to fix this?


Burt, naturally felt horrible when Finn relayed the scene to him. He’d forgotten his own son’s birthday. Carole was actually kind of furious that no one had even told her when Kurt’s birthday was. If she had known she would have at least made him a cake or something! She slammed around the kitchen throwing the ingredients in a bowl, because really she could at least make him something now, even if it is a day after the fact.

It’s late when Kurt texts Finn asking him to pass on the message that he’s staying with Brittany for the weekend. When he sent a text back asking if he would please come home because his family wanted to talk to him, it’s quiet for entirely too long before Kurt texts back ‘I’ll be back Sunday.’ It’s the last correspondence he has with Kurt until Sunday evening.

When Kurt finally did slip through the front door, Carole was on him before he had even taken his coat off, promising him that she would never let this happen again. Burt’s next, apologizing and making promises, but by the look on Kurt’s face, he doesn’t really believe them. Finn isn’t sure what to say to him, because really Santana did make a couple good points.

He wasn’t sure how welcomed he’ll be in Kurt’s room anymore, but when Kurt didn’t immediately turn him away, he thought maybe there was at least some snowball of a chance that he could actually talk to Kurt, apologize for forgetting his birthday, because Santana was right. That’s a really shitty thing to do to someone, especially your almost brother!

“Did you have a good weekend?” He finally ventured and Kurt looked at him a little blankly, it’s a look he’s not use to having directed at him.

“It was nice. Her parents were out of town, so we invited some people over…”

“A party?” Finn asked a little hesitant.

“Yeah.” Finn doesn’t have to ask to know it was a belated birthday party, he wasn’t invited and he couldn’t really blame Kurt for that. He wouldn’t invite him if he was Kurt. He wonders if Mercedes or Quinn were invited. Surely he allowed Artie and Tina to go; they genuinely had no idea when his birthday was.

“Kurt, I really am so sorry.” Finn said groveling had worked for him in the past. He hoped he wasn’t going to have to wear a shower curtain again though.

“I know you are.”

“But you’re still mad.”

“I’m not mad.” Kurt said expelling a sigh and Finn shifted his weight anxiously.

“You seem mad.”

“Finn,” Kurt sounded exasperated but he spoke anyhow. “Listen, I’m not mad. I was upset yes, but I’m not mad.”

“But you were?” Finn asked, because he read somewhere (or maybe someone told him) that it’s good to talk about your feelings and stuff…maybe Kurt told him that.

“I was never mad Finn, upset and disappointed sure, but not mad.”

“I’d have been mad.” And Kurt rolled his eyes at that. “If everyone forgot my birthday like that, I’d have been super mad.”

“It hurt sure, but I dunno, I wasn’t really angry with you. No that’s not entirely true, I was angry with you in the car. When you kept telling me about that movie and your dinner. I was angry then.”

“I’m sorry, it didn’t even occur to me that you-”

“That’s just it Finn!” Kurt said, and suddenly he was angry. “It didn’t occur to any of you! And I know ok, so it’s just my birthday, but really that was the topper! How many times have the three of you gone out to eat or to a movie, and I’m just not invited? Do you know how many times Mercedes has blown me off to hang out with Quinn instead? I get that I’m the after-thought, but I guess I just thought for my birthday, for just one damn day I wouldn’t have to be! Silly me right?”

“Kurt,” Finn had no idea what to say, because this had gotten out of control.

“Jesus Christ kid.” Kurt didn’t turn to see his father and Carole at the top of the stairs didn’t turn to see the look of shock and horror on Carole’s face, and the guilt and agony on his Dad’s. Burt made his way down the stairs, pausing just long enough to nod his head towards the door. Finn knew now was when he was needed to exit. So he just gives Kurt a fast hug, before Kurt could push him away and apologized one last time, before trudging up the stairs and following his mother into the house.

Burt advanced, until Kurt couldn’t back up any further and grabbed his son in a fierce embrace, because really he fucked up. He fucked up bad. He made his kid feel like an after thought and that was just the worst feeling. He felt Kurt push at him for just a second before he broke, and then he just cried. Burt had always hated to see his son cry. To be the cause, that was even worse.

Burt had a feeling it was going to take a long time to fix this, but he was willing to put in the time. He knew that Kurt would forgive him, maybe already had, but Burt was going to make damn sure he earned it, because he owed Kurt at least that much.


The glee club tried to make up for it with baked good and songs. Even Puck had thrown in a song or two, but Kurt threw out his cupcake, he knew how Puck made cupcakes. He had assured Artie and Tina there was nothing to forgive, they didn’t know. That even extended to Quinn to a point, she hadn’t known either. He hadn’t expected Rachel to know, but her I’m Sorry cookies were pretty phenomenal. He really wasn’t upset anymore. He had found really great friends in Santana (He was surprised too) Brittany, Mike and Matt. That more than made up for the lack of friendship he’d been feeling recently.

But Finn must have opened his mouth, because they others were annoyingly attentive. Mercedes was constantly asking him to the mall or to her house, and she hadn’t actually broken a plan with him since the ugly incident after his birthday. He appreciated it, but couldn’t help but wonder how much of that was out of guilt, and not out of want.

It’s getting kind of annoying, and once again, Santana is the one to come to his rescue after he received his fifth offer of hanging out for the weekend by loudly announcing she was kidnapping him for the entire weekend. No they couldn’t know where they were going, and no they were not invited…except for Brittany. She was always invited.

Slowly, things did start to change. He began to feel more like Mercedes wanted him around and was not keeping him around because she felt guilty or obligated. He had on more than one occasion said he didn’t care if she wanted to hang out with Quinn, and that he wouldn’t care if she wanted to hang out with them. He just really didn’t want to be shut out again. And he wasn’t.

His dad actually made the effort to start asking him what he might like to do for dinners or movies. Which he had to admit, was a nice change from coming home to an empty house, with the knowledge that the rest of his family was out having a good time without him. Things changed for the better.

Most people thought it was because Kurt’s loved ones saw a glimpse of what he actually felt.

Kurt thinks Santana scared them into submission.

But you know, tomato-tahmato.

kurt, brittany, rating: r, glee club, santana, mike, angst, fic, matt

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