Fic: Winner

Jun 21, 2010 17:43

Title: Winner
Disclaimer: I don't own em,if I did it would probably have to be on another channel.
Rating: PG-ish?
Warnings: A little self-loathing
Word count: 571-short!
Spoilers: Lets just say through season one to be safe.
Summary: Kurt kinda needed that trophy too.
A/N: Done for this prompt over at the glee_angst_meme

Nationals had been overwhelming to say the very least. Santana and Brittany had prepped him for a good two days before hand on how he was to behave. He followed their instructions, because they had been here before. They had been in this new world, where people actually respected them. When Coach Sylvester first told him her idea, Kurt had a mild panic attack. On the inside of course, on the outside he simply accepted this decision. Still, he buckled down and did it, because several girls were counting on scholarships that this was affording them.

So when Sue had her little melt down, Kurt felt he needed to talk to Mr. Schue, because he meant what he said. It was hard to feel for Coach Sylvester, even if Kurt personally thought what Mr. Schue had done was wrong, and she didn’t need another trophy, but most of those girls? They really, really did.

As he had hoped, things were set right, or as right as things ever seemed to go, because they were off to nationals. Once they got there, that’s when the self doubt started. Everything Kurt touched fell apart and he couldn’t shake the overwhelming feeling that this too would come apart in his hands. He would ruin it not only for himself, but for all these girls.

He had nearly completely psyched himself out of the competition when Becky slipped her hand into his as they waited backstage, admitting she was scared and overwhelmed. He appreciated having something else to set his attention on, so he tried to spend his time alleviating her fears and ignoring his own. Right before they were to go on, Kurt sucked in a deep breath and offered up a slight prayer that he could get through this, not for himself, but for these girls.

He was use to being a loser, use to being worthless, but these girls? They were winners, and while he may not belong with them, he wanted to pretend he did, at least for a little while. And he would be damned if he ruined their shot! He took in a steadying breath, accepted the warm hug from Brittany, and went out to perform.

He nailed it.

The rest of the routine went just as they had planned, and Kurt realized there was no way they wouldn’t win. None of the other squads had even come close. Somehow in the knowledge that they would win, he felt a pang of regret too, because he knew this wasn’t his world. He was just playing in it until he was no longer useful.

They won, as Kurt knew they would, and the girls and even some of the guys, explode around him in joy. He stands motionless, for just a second before Santana flings her arms around his neck and hisses into his ear that they couldn’t have won without him. The elation of that knowledge, knowing that he really had helped; somehow that was what it took to send him into joy as well.

He was only slightly crushed by Coach Sylvester’s words, but really he was elated all the way back to the hotel room because for once, Kurt felt like he was worth something. He knows, that when he gets back to Lima, he won’t be worth anything anymore, but right here, and right now? Kurt Hummel was a winner.

And everyone loves a winner right?

rating: pg, kurt, angst, brittany, fic, santana

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