Happy Easter and a Fic!

Apr 04, 2010 23:51

Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates it! (Technically it's before midnight, therefore still Easter!) As a little gift, I have a fic!

Title: Casts
Disclaimer: I don't own em, I if I did glee would probably have to be on a different channel.
Rating: Probably PG-13ish to be super safe, just some bad word.
Warnings: A bit of language and talk of an injury
Word count: 1295
Summary: Puck has a few questions about Kurt's newest accessory.
A/N: Just a little ficlet I came up with.

The first thing Puck noticed when he walked into Glee on Monday was that Artie was sitting entirely to close to Kurt. The second thing he noticed was that Kurt’s left arm was in a cast, and then Puck stopped thinking all together and moved on autopilot to where the two sat. He had heard murmured rumors about Kurt throughout the day, but he could never quiet make out what it was, and people normally stopped talking once he came into view. No one wanted to say anything in front of Puck anymore, no matter who it was about.

“What the hell happened to you?” He asked, Kurt hardly glanced up from the ipod he was scrolling through and Artie barely acknowledged him with a grunt and he continued his design on Kurt’s cast. Apparently Artie wasn’t content to just write his name or a little message, no, Artie had to do a whole damn mural on the thing. Neither boy seemed particularly bothered by the fact that Kurt’s arm was in Artie’s lap, though it was bugging the hell out of Puck.

“Broken arm.” Kurt replied flatly as he continued to scroll through the ipod. Puck spared a critical eye over the cast and found with some embarrassment, he was surprised that it was just a white cast. He thought Kurt would have gone for a color, like pink or something. He wasn’t surprised to see that Rachel had signed his cast and then promptly surrounded her name with gold stars. Mercedes seemed to have written a novel, and hell even Santana had taken the time to write a brief message and sign the damn thing, it seemed like everyone in glee had signed the thing but him.

“Yeah I can see that.” Puck said with a roll of his eyes, and settled into the seat behind Kurt. He knew better than to sit beside the other boy that was Mercedes seat, even if she wasn’t there yet. “I meant how.” And for the first time, Kurt actually bothers to look at him, though he has to twist his torso slightly and crane his neck so not to disturb his arm, which is still in Artie’s lap.

“Doesn’t really matter now does it.” There’s something in the tone, it’s not that exasperated, why am I bothering with you, tone that Puck knows better than he would like to admit, but more of a tired, resigned note that Puck’s not really use to hearing in the other boys voice. Before Puck has a chance to respond, Mercedes arrives and Puck wisely shuts his mouth. Glee starts shortly after that, and Puck has to admit he’s a bit surprised that Mr. Schue doesn’t make Artie stop drawing on Kurt’s arm and lets him continue through the rest of glee. Artie finally finishes just as Schue dismisses them.

“Done!” He announces and gently guides Kurt’s arm back to him. From his vantage point, Puck can’t quite make out what it is, but Kurt smiles so genuinely at Artie, Puck thinks it must be fantastic.

“Thanks Artie, that’s awesome, you‘re really good.” And Artie beams back, obviously pleased with the praise. Artie lets Tina take the handles of his wheelchair and the two leave, and after being assured by Kurt he was fine, Mercedes followed, albeit reluctantly.

“Can I help you Noah?” Kurt’s voice cuts through Puck’s thoughts and he realizes he’s been starring at Kurt for a good couple minutes now.

“Sorry, just thinking.” Puck stands and makes his way over to Kurt, who’s got his shoulder bag hanging off his right arm a little awkwardly. He really wants to know how Kurt broke his arm, and knows that there’s a really good chance Kurt won’t tell him, and the best thing he could do is back off, it isn’t like their close anyway. Puck’s never been known to the best thing though.

“What?” Kurt asks, eyeing Puck suspiciously.

“Seriously, how did you break your arm?” Puck asks and it’s quiet for a few moments before Kurt sighs and let’s his eyes drift to his cast.

“I didn’t so much break it, as someone broke it for me.” Kurt admits. Puck feels a red haze fall over his vision for a second, really in all the times he’d spent bullying Kurt he had never tried to hurt him. Most of the jocks didn’t, but something about the way Kurt said that made it sound like someone intentionally broke Kurt’s arm.

“What?” Puck finally gets out and as inarticulate as it is, the anger he feels is still loud and clear. Kurt sighs before letting his bag back down to the floor and sitting back down.

“It’s a long story Noah.”

“I got time.” Puck responds sitting down next to him. The fact that Kurt even seems to be thinking about telling him is more than Puck hoped for, so when Kurt lets out a resigned sigh, Puck realizes he might actually find out.

“I got jumped walking home from school on Friday. Didn’t recognize them, I’m not sure who they were.” Kurt said frustration clear in his voice. “I have to admit even the jocks aren’t moronic enough to leave me with visible injuries. These guys just didn’t care. Once my arm snapped they ran off though, so maybe they hadn’t intended to leave me with one either.” He shrugged carefully and let his eyes cut over to where Puck was sitting stiffly. “Doesn’t matter anyhow.”

“What do you mean it doesn’t matter?” Puck snapped, and Kurt rolled his eyes in response.

“My arm will heal Noah, and until then, yeah it sucks and it itches, but hell, I’m still here aren’t I? It doesn’t matter because I won’t let it matter. I’m not going to give them the satisfaction of knowing they did something to disrupt my life. It’s just another bump in the road.”

Puck has to admit he kind of admires that outlook. Really after baby gate he’d been through some crap recently, but no one has physically harmed him, unless you count the punch from Finn, though that hurt on more of a psychological level than a physical one. He watches as Kurt stands up and shifts his bag up onto his shoulder before preparing to leave.

“Wait,” Puck calls and runs a hand over his Mohawk slightly. “Could I uh, could I sign it?” He wishes he hadn’t sounded so pathetic, but Kurt looks surprised for just a second, before a slight smile passes over his face.

“Sure.” He held his arm out while Puck dug around until he found a sharpie; he awkwardly looked at the cast and suddenly realized he had no idea what to write. He wanted to write something and not just his name, and he took a few moments to study the drawing that Artie had done, Glee in big block letters, colored with a colorful background, it was good, well done, and Puck could see why Kurt liked it so much. Finally he decided on something before scrawling it quickly as if afraid to hurt the other boy further. When he was finally finished, he capped the sharpie sheepishly and watched as Kurt read the note. Briefly Puck panicked and thought it was the worst idea in the history of worst ideas.

‘If you experience anymore bumps in the road, I’ll be happy to smooth out the pavement.’

And then Kurt laughed, and Puck realized that it hadn’t been the worst idea after all, and when Kurt accepted the offer to be driven home Puck realized maybe they could be friends after all. At the very least Puck could pretend that one day he could protect Kurt from the things that wanted to cause him harm.

kurt, rating: pg-13, fic, artie, puck

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