Jul 05, 2007 08:56
I had such a lovely fourth yesterday. Lots of lounging and snuggling and giggling. Went to a spectacular fireworks show, then came home and blew some shit up. It was a perfect day.
Life is getting better out here. I'm finally hitting my stride, and it seems that Rob is as well. Theranos is keeping me on at least another week or two, which is a mixed blessing leaning towards good. I haven't been as good about saving the money as I should be, so another two weeks to make up for that will be good.
I'm currently watching this blackbird. He just flew down with a huge hunk o somethin' in his mouth, and set it down in a puddle of water so he and another blackbird could eat. As they're chowin' down, another blackbird flies down to get a piece, and the first blackbird goes and shoes him away. Fourth blackbird flies down, first one shoes that one away too. It was just amusing to watch this blackbird share with one but not the others.
So yeah, life in California is going pretty well. It was a year ago tomorrow that I came out here for the first time, so I suppose there's a hint of sweet nostalgia surrounding me, but things are going good in general too. This, naturally, makes me happy.
Right. Back to "work."