I can't decide what to do with my bed. I get better internet reception the further back I go in my apartment, which would be fine if my options weren't moving right next to the bathroom and a loud squirrel cage, or moving right next to the kitchen.
I guess I could just learn to love my couch. I do love my couch. It's just...yeah. It's not my bed.
God I need to clean this apartment.
I have a weird numbness in one of my knees. I've had it since I was in Santa Cruz. Huh.
I'm feeling anxious today. It's been a very, very weird day. I realized some heavy things, but I also got some reassurance that it was all going to be okay.
I'm workin' on it, alright?! yeesh.
School is coming up... starts on the 28th of August this year. I'm torn with the math situation; I could take a fast track course, knocking out both elementary and intermediate algebra in one semester, and that starts at 10:15am MWF at northridge. Or, I could take a class at 9:15am at Rio Grande, just elementary algebra, but with a teacher I REALLY like. She could make a huge difference.
Argh. Decisions decisions. it would be better for my gas tank and everything else in general to take her class... but also I could fucking KNOCK OUT MATH if I took the other one. I think I need to just stick with the elementary. I'll figure it out on Monday.
I'm also kicking around a legal writing class and a chemestry class, or maybe spanish 2. I can't decide quite yet. Maybe a conditioning class. I know I need math though. And again, I'm trying to get my GPA back up more than follow a particular degree plan. It just cheeses me that the chick I want to take math from is only teaching one class. But it's the class I need. And, it's early enough to where I could go to work after class. It's quite obviously the choice I should take. So it's settled.
I could take a biology class about the flora of central texas?
I dunno. I want classes where I can solve puzzles and not have to put my brain through too much work. I want right and wrong classes, not classes that leave it up to my own interpretation. I'm just not quite in the mood for that right now.
But yeah, I'm getting excited about going back, weirdly enough. It's been a while. I needed the break, including the summer off, and I think I'll be able to go back with a determination that I had lost a couple of semesters ago.
It'll be fun!
Plus, it'll make time go a LOT faster. I like that.
There's a certain sense of relief that has just washed over me. I think I'm almost out of the woods, folks.
And now, I'm going to figure out how my new external hard drive works. Yay!
(seriously, I recommend everybody gets a bad ass techie boyfriend like mine.)