I <3 Jon

Jul 17, 2005 00:06

Alrite so tonight at work I closed with Alan again so we had our great fun like always, I love weekends bc of him. Then I got off at 11:30 and kinda felt shitty bc nobody came to visit me tonight and Courtney still isnt talking to me. Then I was walking out to my car and I saw this lil piece of white paper on the window and I was like hmmm so I read it and it said, "Nicole Hey this is Jon (Tyler's friend) I stopped by earlier to talk to you but you were still working. I just wanted to know it you would hang out with me sometime if you had any free time. Stop by my house sometime since you are in to that sort of thing. I live in apt # ___. Hopefully I will talk to you later. My cell # is ____-_____...Jon" Well yes that def. made my night!!! I mean he made such a great first impression on me and I wanted to see him again. Then for him to drive up there and leave me a message on my car was like the best thing ever. And even his handwriting is adorable. I love everything about this boy. Then I saw Jeremys truck parked beside mine (No not his truck, but his moms SUV, good thing he didnt bring his HUGE truck lol) But he was all dressed nice, looking pretty damn fine is you ask me. His friend never even got out of the car hahaha guess he doesnt like me too much. Today was Nathans birthday.Hes with his gf, go figure. They are gonna freaking get married, hes so obsessed with her. Im not jealous whatsoever, I miss Hunter though, and Holly, my babies. But anyways, ya, jsut had to update with the great news about Jon!!!
xox Nik xox
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