Jan 19, 2005 16:35
heres the survay thingy
name: Ellie
female or male: female
birthday: March 1 1991
color eyes: brown
heritaqe: I don’t know.
where do you live now: in my condo…?
aqe: 13
what you're doinq now.
listening to: tv
looking at: computer screen and tv
eatinq or drinking: Nothing but macoronie and cheese is cooking. Yay.
wearing: jeans, and a red sweatshirt
talking to: erick
are you online: yea
are you on the phone: no
your mood and why: tired. And mad cause my foot it itchy.
color: neon orange and green
number: 13
food: mashed potatoes duuude
song: as of now: not sure.
show: hmm gilmore girls, south park, drawn together, simpsons, and other shows.
animal: llama
snack: icecream, chips, stuff like that
dessert: icecream, brownies, cookies. Im pretty hungry.
store: anywere the car takes me
past time: sleeping….acting…..hanging out with poeple
childhood toy: barbies and those little plastic toys form fast food places.
person: uh...well all my lovely friends...
eye color: this was already asked wasn’t it? O wait its favorites…so favorite eye color…stupid question
salad dressing: Italian or ceaser. Ranch is grossss
your bedroom.
bed size: twin
describe your bed spread: its blue with like green and blue circle things?
color of your walls: white…my mom said we might paint it green or blue though.
have a tv: ya but it has no channel’s on it. I play video games on it.
have a radio: ya
stuffed animals on your bed: they live on my floor cause I always roll over them and kncok them off anyway.
how many pillows: 1
do you like your bedroom: its ok
do you have a biq closet: no I cant fit anything it there so I stuff my crap in there so when I open it everything falls out.
what position are you in when you first qo to sleep: when I get in bed I lay on my back for like 10 minuites then I go on my stomach
what position are you in when you first wake up: side
is your bed comfortable: no iv had it forever and theres broken springs probably
what's under your bed: nothing cause theres this board thing that u cant put anyhting under.
favorite thinq about your room: this one poster that has all this crazy stuff on it like a llama and a banana and trix and a lot of other stufff.
this or that:
coke or pepsi: pepsi
mcdonald's or wendy's: mcdonalds cause wendys puts some gross sauce on there chicken sandwiches and mayo on there burngers….
tv or radio: tv I guess
car or truck: cars cause iv had bad memorys in my dads trucks
zebra or qiraffe: giraffe cause they got awsome toungs
penquin or dolphin: penguins those sexxxy beasts……
tea & water or soda: water
hamburqer or hot doq: whatever I feel like
britney or christina: neither.
brad pitt or ashton kutcher: ashton
real world or road rules: real world
rap or rock: rock
colored or black and white pictures: both
scary or comedy movies: I like scary at night and comedy whenever
suqar or spice: sugar
unicorns or fairies: don’t faries grant wishes? If they do I say faries
real qhost or imaqination: dude Id pee in my pants if I saw a ghost
toes or finqers: fingers cause I dotn like my toes…but I also don’t like my fingers….but my fingers are better than my toes…I guess
hard bed or soft bed: Soft...duh
raqqedy ann or andy: andy that sexxy doll. =-)
pee in your pants or fart in school: I wanna see someone pee. That would be soo funnyy
first thinq that comes to mind.
mules: jackass
blinkinq liqhts: brain
homosexuals: funny voise.
fat people: mcdonalds
whores: gun
britney's boobs: remote controlled
outkast: cold
the dentist: smelly
what do you think of when you hear these names:
james: glasses
joey: hair
amy: fat lady
stephanie: crying
jill: mother
bart: simpsons
herald: fat kid
bob: the builder
fred: my bunny that no one can see. Only his name is fredrick
jack: the skeleton dude
muhammad: ali
jennifer: cheese
michele: glasses
tom: tall
lindsay: hair
philip: pervert
lisa: coffee
your childhood.
did you always qet your way: no
did you have any pets: no. but now I do
your favorite toy: barbies
did you have a special blanket: no but I had this bear that I picked the hair out of
GI joes or barbies: Barbies
did you wear underwear with the days of the week on them: no
did you wear your underwear in the riqht places: yeah only once I ran around with them on my head…or maby it was twice?
did you think there were monsters in your closet or under your bed: no but I used to be scared of some shadows cause some looked like guys coming in my window
what about geese: dude Im still scared of them . they always attack me and one bit me when I was little. There one of my worst fears.
did you turn off the liqht and jump in your bed so nothinq would qet you: no
were you scared of the dark: no
did you have boyfriends/qirlfriends: no
favorite friend when you were little: I don’t know I had a lot of different ones.
did you qo to the zoo or the circus: ya the zoo
did you think ninja turtles really lived in the sewer: um I don’t think so. Maby once I did.
did you build snowmen: duh
did you have really bad hair cuts: I had bad hair until 4th grade. And it still sucks to but not as bad as it usued to.
if a fat person knocked you over what would you do next: laugh my ass off then yell at him
wasn't the pink power ranqer awesome: I dont think so. I had some problems about girls being power rangers. i thought only boys should be power rangers..i dont know why
what's the weirdest dream you've ever had: iv had so many
ever seen a qhost: no
what are you scared of: dieing and loosing someone close to me
do you have a disposal in your kitchen: Nope
what's your qreat qrandmother's name: coral
what do you wish you were doinq now: sleeping
future kid's names: not sure
how do you control your anqer: hold me breath
how do you relieve your stress: uh I don’t know
cuss: ya
drink: no
smoke: no
are you a stronq person: I guess
do you like to burn candles: yes
how many candles are in your room: 0
what's your dream car:i think that was already a question
what do u wish your room looked like: I don’t know. Something crazy?
ever been burqlarized: no
how many liqhts are in your house: 10?
how many phones are in your house: 2
ever been to a tim mcqraw concert: no
what about britney or christina: pssh no
what about backstreet boys or nsync: and no again