Hhhm. I think that gives a lot of meaning huh?
true. Most of us do rush on with life.
Like how i'm wishing this yr will fly past. =]
And how most of us just want to go to college.
Well, i'll try to live life to the fullest then.
Seems to me like i've been wasting most of it away these past few days.
Inspirational mood!
btw, eclipse fucking bloody rocks.
Stupid robert pattinson. that guy cannot HELP looking like a hobo at every picture he takes! I cant believe i actually liked him in harry potter. =|
The Carlisle(
peter facinelli) chosen.... doesnt seem right. Yea he's goodlooking but.. not Carlisle. and not blond. Maybe. i dont know. Will have to see.
(jackson rathbone) chosen is not even close to.. well, the jasper in the book. nononono.
Really? Him? Too.. i dont know. nononono.
A BIG NO for the guys.
but.. i'm alright with emmett(
kellan lutz) Ohh, he was ini Hilary Duff's With Love music vid
But.. hold it. Something is not right. JAMES IS BETTER LOOKING THAN EDWARD!
Damn it.
"Ola.. i am James"
I think he's hot =D
And yes, i think its a screencap from the actual movie.
I look forward to seeing James then. =]
hhhm. Robert Pattinson is a drunk looking hobo.
And that.. will be Victoria. Well, at least her hair's the right color. and i think she's alright.
Rosalie is..
Nikki Reed.
She reminds me of a Penelope Cruz type.
Vampish.. and another brunette that's suppose to be blond.
Alice is
Ashley GreeneI'm happy with her =]
Nope, i'm not happy with Esme. Wont post the pic.
LOOK AT THIS. Edward and Bella
A decent picture finally?
HE ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE A VAMPIRE - Edward! Wow. I like Bella here.
Still he looks like hobo. =] Sometimes, maybe i'll change my mind.
I'll leave the long rant with a scanned picture of a Edward and James fight scene
Oh great. Hobo's back.