May 04, 2005 01:43
I voted today. Did anyone else? No, probably not. We didn't leave for Ikea until 4pm because Dustin and I overslept, which meant I missed my class. But after we woke up, I made time to vote, even though it was very out of the way. I was the only person who was at the place when I went to vote. Let's hope we can smoke in bars after this is said and done.
MOTHER FUCKERS. The smoking in bars thing didn't pass. If you didn't vote, I officially hate you. Ugh. So now in November, the smoking ban is going on the ballot to be statewide. Say hello to the smoke-free United States. Jerks.
Anyways, D and I went to Ikea today. It was alot of fun. I got an ice cream cone on the way in some Amish town, but the ice cream "shoppe" was in a BP, so it wasn't such a rustic experience.... that and the ADULT BOOK STORE across the way. I got some neat stuff - shelves, fake flowers, smelly candles, cute boxes, light bulbs, a storage cart, a bedside table, etc etc. We also got Dustin a bed and bedside table. Yippie, now maybe his "home" will resemble something normal. Har har har. We ate at some Burger King outside of Pittsburgh and my stomach is still suffering.
I need $200 so I can get a new kitten and a new haircut. These things are very important.
Since my bank is 5/3 and we went there today, and today was 05/03/05, they had free cookies, chips, and pop for their loyal customers! That was kinda exciting.
I have 12 drawings to do tonight for my portfolio that was technically due a few days ago. We had a sub the other day and he made us draw logs for three hours. Anyways, I have to somehow get those done, drop them off way early tomorrow morning, then go to the dentist to fix MY FIRST CAVITY EVER, then I have to go back to school for my meeting with my drawing teacher, then to work. Oivey. I'm almost unpacked - almost. BAH.
So I picked up a USA Today at a gas station, and it has pictures of The Lion, The Witch, And The Waredrobe movie Disney is coming out with in December and it looks AMAZING!!! I am sooooo fucking excited. That part of The Chronicles of Narnia is a major part of my childhood. I have the BBC movie on VHS that I watched when I was young, and though I was almost sure Disney would fuck this up, the pictures from the movie look great. There is a preview on TV this Saturday, but then there's an extended trailer that will play when Star Wars opens. I can't wait! Good thing I already have my Star Wars ticket - I'm almost more excited about this trailer than I am about the movie. Ha-ha.
OH! And my brother is coming to visit tomorow! YES!
I really need to go do my homework.
beep beep.