Fic: Fumbling Towards Ecstasy (1/5)

Apr 20, 2011 11:35

Title: Fumbling Towards Ecstasy (1/5)
Author: ”lit_chick08”
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Stefan/Elena/Damon, Caroline/Tyler, references Stefan/Katherine/Damon
Category: drama, romance, character study
Summary: Elena never wanted to have to choose; Stefan and Damon weren't sure they wanted her to pick
Spoilers: This is an alternate Season 2, so I’ve cherry picked certain events/episodes; just to be safe, everything that has aired so far
Warnings: bloodplay, double penetration, voyeurism, threesome
Show/Bookverse: Show
Disclaimer: These characters belong to LJ Smith, Kevin Williamson, and Julie Plec

It was all Tyler Lockwood's fault.

Tyler was a werewolf and Bonnie was a witch and Caroline was a vampire and Elena…well, Elena was the doppelganger (whatever the fuck that meant). And everything was so different now, so crazy when compared to even a year earlier when the biggest problem any of them had was the preparation for one of Mystic Falls’s endless events.

Elena had gone by the Forbes’ house that Saturday afternoon to escape the mind-numbing boringness of her own. Jenna was at the library working on her thesis, Alaric was teaching Jeremy about the history of vampire hunting, and Elena had determined that if she didn’t leave, she was going to bang her head off of the wall. Even as a vampire, Caroline provided the best source of distraction and, given her new mentorship with Stefan, Elena had started to spend more time with the blonde now than she had the year prior.

Bonnie was already there, draped across the couch with her trig book across her lap while Caroline was perched in an arm chair watching MTV. Sheriff Forbes was at work - ”Vampire emergency,” Caroline reported with a giggle that used to signify amusement directed towards lawn gnome thieves - and Elena allowed herself to be caught up in the manufactured drama of reality TV.

When Tyler showed up, Elena didn’t miss the way that Caroline blushed, and she could hardly swallow the smile that played at her lips. Due to her past relationship with Matt, Elena had spent a great deal of time with Tyler in the past; he could be a monumental douchebag when he wanted to be but he wasn’t like that with Caroline.

Of course, Caroline could also kick his ass without so much as messing up her hair, so maybe that played a part as well.

The conversation eventually turned to their strangeness, to bloodsucking and full moons, and for the first time, Elena found herself laughing at the absurdity of it all. Somewhere between Tyler making a dog joke and Caroline doing a shockingly good impression of Stefan’s disapproving glare, Elena forgot that Katherine was working against them and that her life had been a perpetual state of peril for the past months; instead, she realized just how much she had missed having fun with the people she had known her entire life.

When Sheriff Forbes returned, they moved their party to the Lockwood Mansion, calling up Matt and a few other people that they had hung out with back before the world had gone to hell, back when evil was defined by Mr. Tanner. Tyler poured shots, they all cheered, and the familiar burn of the tequila threatened to unearth memories of Georgia heat and gasoline so she did two more, effectively blocking any reminiscence that might stop her from pretending that she is only Elena Gilbert, that Miranda and Grayson Gilbert are waiting for her at home, that the worst thing that has ever happened to her was breaking her wrist cheerleading when she was thirteen.

When Tyler brought out the pot, Elena knew she shouldn’t smoke it. She had never been able to handle her drugs (unlike Jeremy) and her few experiences with pot had always just left her hungry and confused. But she was old Elena tonight, so when Tyler offered her the joint, she accepted it, letting the THC do its magic.

The combination of the tequila and marijuana had overheated her, making the rapidly filling Lockwood mansion stifling. Pushing through a few of Tyler’s teammates, Elena stumbled out onto the patio, staring across the grounds bathed in the half-moon’s white light. Noticing the reflection on the pond, Elena smiled, remembering how many days she had spent swimming in that pond when she was younger, how many times she had chicken fights perched atop Matt’s shoulders.

Away from the pounding bass lines inside, Elena heard the sound of her ringtone. Digging into her pocket, she saw that she had 11 missed calls: 1 from Jeremy, 3 from Damon, and 7 from Stefan. There were also 25 unread text messages from the men in her life, each increasingly more insistent, much like the voicemails they had left.

Rolling her eyes, she sent a single message to all three of them - I’m fine. I’m at the Lockwoods - before turning her phone off and starting out across the grass. By the time she reached the pond, she had already shed her top shirt and shoes, carrying them to the water’s edge before removing her camisole and jeans. The water was chilled - unsurprising even if it was unseasonably warm spring in Virginia - but felt incredible against her overheated skin. As she lazily backstroked across the water, she stared up into the sky, taking pleasure in the night in a way she hadn’t since learning what existed in the shadows.

She wasn’t sure how long she was in the water before she heard footsteps approaching. Pushing herself upright, she saw them on the water’s edge, Stefan’s face a picture of relief, amusement flickering over Damon’s. Treading water, she drawled, “You know, stalking is an unattractive trait.”

“What are you doing?” Stefan asked, an edge to his voice.

“Swimming,” she obtusely replied.

“Elena, it’s not safe - “

“Oh, blah-blah-blah! God, learn a new song or something!”

“Are you drunk?” he asked as Damon chuckled.

“And high,” she confirmed, lazily swimming in circles, enjoying the feel of the water’s resistance. “It was hot inside so I came out here.”

“Not that I don’t fully support this new substance abusing version of yourself,” Damon spoke up, “but you could’ve at least told us you were going to be doing your best Lindsay Lohan tonight and spared little brother here a panic attack.”

Remembering the pitch of Damon’s voice on her voicemail, she rolled her eyes at his feigned disinterest. “It wasn’t a plan; it just sort of happened. I wanted to have fun tonight.”

“Elena - “

“We never have fun anymore.”

She didn’t mean for it to sound like an accusation; from the way that he flinched, she knew that he took it as such. “Elena, why don’t you come out? Alcohol and swimming isn’t the best combination.”

Elena shook her head, flipping onto her back and kicking towards the deepest part of the pond. “Nope! If you want me, you have to come and get me!”

“Elena - “

“And I’m really drunk, Stefan,” she continued, her voice a singsong designed to lead straight to temptation. “You wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to me while you’re just standing there!”

She can almost hear Stefan’s frustration, hear the roll of his eyes and clenching of his jaw, when she realized the quickest way to get her vampire boyfriend to loosen up.

“What about you, Damon? Are you going to let me drown?”

The words had barely left her mouth before she saw Damon unbuttoning his shirt, shucking his clothing so quickly that it simultaneously thrilled her and disappointed her that she hadn’t gotten a better look at his body before he dove smoothly into the water. The second his body breeched the water, Elena giggled, flipping onto her stomach and doing a wild stroke in an attempt to put as much distance between herself and elder Salvatore brother. She had made it maybe four feet before Damon’s hand grasped her ankle and tugged, pulling her back to him while also temporarily submerging herself.

She burst to the surface, spitting water and laughing as Damon grinned, his eyes dancing in the moonlight. Cupping her hands, she pushed water up into his face, splashing him, laughing at the way his hair fell into his eyes as he released her to straighten it, the picture of vanity even now. When she spun to look at Stefan on the bank only to discover that he wasn’t there, she worried for a moment that she had pushed too far only to scream when Stefan suddenly appeared before her, a grin across his face as he lifted her easily and tossed her like a child.

When she surfaced again, Stefan and Damon were wrestling, dunking each other and playfully romping in a way that Elena couldn’t imagine them have doing last September. For a moment, she wondered if this is what they had been like when they were human. Stefan rarely spoke of what their relationship had been like before Katherine, but Elena had been able to read between the lines well enough to know that once upon a time Damon had been Stefan’s best friend. The way that Stefan’s voice always faltered whenever he spoke of human Damon, the pain that flashed in his eyes, hinted that it was losing Damon more than anything else that made him so sad.

Elena slipped her arms around Stefan’s shoulders, lifting herself up onto his back and wrapping her legs around his waist. She loved the solidity of him, of the way he tilted his head as she pressed a warm kiss to his throat, the taste of the water against his skin; no matter how frustrated Stefan made her, Elena valued the sense of peace he gave her in the midst of the craziness.

Damon pushed him squarely in the chest, catching Stefan off balance and dumping them back into the water before using his speed to jerk her against him, his leanly muscled body rubbing against her in a way that made her heart speed up. There was nothing peaceful about Damon Salvatore; he was the storm that Stefan was the eye of and he left a wake of destruction everywhere he went.

But, God, was he beautiful.

She dipped beneath his arm, pressing herself against his back as she peeked over his shoulder at Stefan, who was glaring playfully at them. The wet lace of her bra was rough against her nipples, making the slide of Damon’s skin against her chest enough to drive her to distraction, something she suspected he knew given that the hand beneath the water was drawing patterns on her thigh. She should stop him; she knew that.

It wasn’t fair playing with vampires. The thought had occurred to her many times in the past seven months, but it never seemed quite as fun as it was as she tried to evade capture by the Salvatores, lithely dancing through the water only to be wrapped up by them both, Stefan against her front, Damon pressed tightly against her back.

She’d like to blame the tequila in her bloodstream or the pot lowering her defenses, but sandwiched between them, she wondered if Katherine had ever had them both at the same time, if their sharing of the monster with her face had been more than just euphemistic.

Stefan’s lips were cool against hers, his large hands holding her face tenderly. A month ago, Stefan kissing her like this in front of Damon would have made her uncomfortable, made her twist away with embarrassment on her cheeks. This time, as Stefan’s tongue traced the seam of her lips, she pressed her ass backwards into Damon, wiggling when his hands grasped her hips, squeezing reflexively. When she pulled back, she looked into Stefan’s eyes to find them swirling with something she couldn’t identify; when he nodded minutely, his eyes flicking behind her, Elena turned her head to see Damon staring at his brother, distrust flickering around the edges of the hope clouding his features.

Elena pressed her mouth against his, waiting for Stefan to tear her away, waiting for Damon to push her back; when Damon responded, she felt as if something had been opened inside of her, something that had been buried so long ago that she had forgotten that it had ever been there. The hunger in his kiss, the way he clutched at her as if he was afraid she would disappear, made her moan into his mouth, wrapping her arms around him, tangling her fingers in his hair. She had barely begun to adjust to this rapid shifting of the world when she felt Stefan’s mouth, soft and tentative, dotting suckling kisses down her spine.

The realization that they were both touching her (kissing her, loving her) made her cry out so loudly that Damon pulled back, shushing her with a laugh, teasingly calling her a drunk as he used blunt teeth to scrape down her arched throat. When Stefan’s practiced fingers unhooked her bra, slipping around to cup her breasts, Elena’s mind began to clear and she realized what she was about to do and where she was about to do it.

She could not have a threesome with Damon and Stefan in the Lockwoods’ pond while her friends partied 100 yards away.

No matter how much she wanted to.

“Stop,” Elena gasped, twisting her body away from the pleasure they promised, reality rudely injecting itself back into her life. “Guys, stop.”

Stefan backed off immediately, stepping backwards and resisting the urge to place a comforting hand on her shoulder. Damon sighed deeply against her collarbone, pressing a final kiss there, before following his brother’s lead, obediently backing away, his numb façade slipping back into place.

Elena made it to the edge, refastening her bra as she stepped into the grass, the chill of the air cutting through her as she stood there in her bra and panties. She turned to see them still standing in the pond, water at their waists, matching inscrutable expressions on their faces. For the first time, she could see the resemblance between them, could read their brokenness in their faces.

She picked up Stefan’s undershirt, pulling it over her head, the white material clinging to her body tantalizingly before slipping Damon’s shirt around her, the sleeves hanging over her hands. And as freaked out as she was, as confused and worried that everything was going to fall apart now, she had smiled warmly, trying to communicate to them that she wasn’t angry, didn’t blame them.

The entire walk back across the lawn, she felt their eyes on her, hungry, desperate, wanting.

Yes, that time it was all Tyler’s fault.

Part Two

pairing: ot3, character: damon salvatore, fanfic: series, character: bonnie bennett, series: fumbling towards ecstasy, character: stefan salvatore, pairing: katherine/damon, character: tyler lockwood, pairing: elena/stefan, pairing: katherine/stefan, pairing: caroline/tyler, character: elena gilbert, pairing: elena/damon, fandom: the vampire diaries, character: caroline forbes

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