Drabble: "H" is for Hope

Oct 29, 2009 02:48

Drabble Title: Hope
Pairing: Veronica/Logan
Spoilers: Everything
Rating: PG for language
Written for: ”misa_05”

She didn’t know why she was surprised that he attacked the douche who had put up the video of her and Piz; Logan had never been renowned for his self-control (alcohol, women, money, Madison-fucking-Sinclair) and, even at the most turbulent times of their relationship, he had always been the dashing white knight.

When their eyes met, when he gave her that devil-may-care smirk that had convinced her three years before to kiss him outside the Camelot, Veronica wasn’t thinking about the nice guy who made her mixed CDs and reveled in his awkward appeal.

She couldn’t believe she ever had.

character: logan echolls, fandom: veronica mars, character: veronica mars, pairing: veronica/logan, fanfic: drabble

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