So. I'm a hankering for a new tattoo.
I want it to match my other wrist one. The basic idea is to get the numbers 451 on my wrist in a reference to Ray Bradbury's book Fahrenheit 451. I like this reference for a number of reasons. Firstly it is a story about how propaganda is dangerous. Secondly it is also about people's passion for the written word. Thirdly it is about how technology (tv etc) is taking the place of books and how this is bad. Fourth Bradbury has another character in his novels called 'the illustrated man' who is tattooed. This character represents my fascination with tattoos and the stories behind them. (read The Martian Chronicles to see what i mean.)
Now, that's all well and good but i'm having some difficulty choosing a font. I don't want to look 'branded' as some people have suggested it might turn out. Eg concentration camp style branding. Also not many people have understood the significance of the numbers. But i kind of like it like that. Some on ask me anything suggested that i get a BURNING BOOK with the numbers and the fahrenheit sign. Just no. That is ridiculous.
I have also considered using roman numerals but it comes out CDLI or CD something and i don't like that. Also if it was just IV V I then it would lose the reference to the book. Anyway here's an idea of what kind of font i was thinking of... perhaps a little less intricate. (put 451 in the sample box to get what i'm looking at btw.)
Any suggestions guys? Good idea? Bad idea?
Also, as usual i'm still planning on later getting this line
'Y el verso cae al alma como al pasto el rocío.' from the pablo neruda poem 'tonight i can write' across my upper back.
(transl: And the verse falls to my soul like dew to the pasture.)
I think that is an incredibly beautiful line and thought i don't speak spanish would never consider getting it in anything but it's original form. I definitely have a thing for text based tattoos. I'm clearly a bit weird.