Nov 02, 2004 17:59
I was reading Av's journal earlier, and she was talking about time. And how everything changes and how it's scary.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Chairperson, Adjudicators, Members of the house,
I beg to oppose the motion that the future is scary.
To be honest, i don't understand how people can be scared of the future. Maybe it's because i've moved so much recently, and god, i'm thankful for it. It's helped me realise that you can adjust to any situation, and that it isn't really that scary. Sure initially it's petrifiying. But in the long run, change is good. Speaking for myself, and no offense to anybody, but i can't wait to get out. I can't wait to get to college and make new friends, and study something i love and am interested in, be able to go out late at night, have my own house, get a degree, get a job, travel etc. Not that current friends aren't awesome, you guys rock. But i want to branch out. It doesn't mean we won't talk to eachother. And yes, i will admit, i could go to England, i probably will, and never see you guys again. I'm sorry to say it, but, i'll deal. Sure for a month i'll be sad, but after that i'll find my feet, make new friends, go out, have fun, and forget. We all forget. Fond memories yeah, but the main will be forgotten. Lost in time. It's sad i suppose, but i'd prefer to forget and move on.
I don't know, i just can't wait to get on, hit 18, be allowed go out where i want, when i want. Study in college, get a change of scene. I don't ever want life to get boring. I want to move all the time, see places, meet people, get a damn boyfriend (ever feel the everyone's jumping on the bandwagon except you?) basically, go to college. God i can't wait for college. Get out of the village that is school, and go to the damn city! Ah. Well basically what i'm trying to say, is, as much as i love all my friends and stuff,it's not enough to keep me here, it'll never be enough to make me stop moving. i guess i'm a traveller at heart, i won't stay still for long. I'm going up in the world, and people better damn well not try to tie me down, because i won't hesitate to hurt you if you hold me back. I won't apologise for it. It's my life. Don't mess with it.