Chapter 59 is finally here and we have so much to talk about...
- I wonder if it truly was Oz's intention to kill Yura all along. He'd been chanting Yura's demise for several chapters before actually killing him, but when it happened, it wasn't him to do it, it was Jack. And now Oz looks quite traumatized (guilty?) so I have to wonder just how much of all that talk was Oz and how much was Jack. And that would raise more questions about the extent of Jack's influence over Oz...
- The sword protruding from Yura's body on page 3 resembles a grave, doesn't it? How fitting. And his silhouette makes him look almost like he's wearing a crown. Like a king... or maybe a Queen. Of Hearts. You know, from the Disney movie (not the book, in this case). Anyone else see the resemblance?
- The memory on page 6 was from Oz's coming of age ceremony. And Oz says that he "did the same". I assume he is referring to Alice when she fought the Baskervilles. Perhaps he is beginning to realize that he is truly becoming B-Rabbit. The bond between him and Alice is only getting stronger as time passes, after all. And he's never been too comfortable with killing. Remember in Sabrie, he even went out of his way not to kill anyone...
- Or maybe he is remembering something we haven't been made aware of yet. I'm still looking for more information to prove my theory that Oz was alive 100 years ago (I don't have quite enough to back it up yet, but I'll stick with it until I'm proven wrong) and here Oz is seeing flashbacks of the tragedy... He does know what it looks like either way, because he saw Alice's memory of it, but what would that have to do with his guilt over killing...? I wonder~... And the Alice in his memory called his name. Oh, this topic is going to need a separate post.
- Oh man you guys, Rufus knows all. Sensei wouldn't just randomly show him sitting there for no reason. He knows something. We need to talk to him again.
- Ah! Gil's hand is hurting. Meaning that Oz's seal has moved again. It may have something to do with the Glen!seal, but most likely it's Oz's contractor seal. Making it at 6:00 now? Geez, that's a bit too close for comfort...
- And I am more than looking forward to seeing Oz and Gil together again next chapter. I've missed them ):
- That's an absolutely horrid image on page 20. So the chains are going berserk in an attempt to kill B-Rabbit. While they may not know what B-Rabbit looks like, they'll recognize the it's power, which is currently in Oz's possession...
- And the word used was "wish. The wish of The Will. Break was supposed to be after this as well, wasn't he? And if it involves killing Alice, perhaps that was why he never carried it out...?
- This black area that Elliot is lying (floating?) in on page 21 seems to resemble the Abyss. Both when Kevin first entered the Abyss and -- strangely enough -- when Oz, Gil, and Alice were confronted by Alyss' white rabbit in chapter 8.
- Now I'm so curious as to how Elliot became aware of Gilbert and Echo in his semi-conscious, possibly Abysmal state.
- "You are already..." Ah, and Elliot is remembering his own words that he said to Oz. Hopefully so that he can apply them to himself. "A step ahead" is what comes next. "From now on you will do whatever you like! Do you want to keep moving on, or head backwards, or walk a completely different path? Everything... you can decide on your own!" This, by the way, is why Elliot has always been one of my favorites.
- And then he stabs himself in the hand. What is exceptionally touching about this scene is that, through all of this, being manipulated, deceived and everything else, Elliot never lost who he was. <3
- Though I'm not sure what the direct result of stabbing himself was. Or why he did it. I know there was a specific purpose, one that gave him (morally) an advantage over Humpty Dumpty, but I can't figure out what it is. Was he simply trying to reject of Humpty Dumpty?
- "How could I burden that brat with the weight of my life?" You see *smiles through tears* still the same old stubborn, morally upright Elliot :)
- How ironic that Elliot ended up taking his own life. He would have avoided it, of course, had death not been inevitable at this point, but the only way out would go against everything he stood for. And I, personally, rather liked how he died so gallantly.
There's no coming back from this one, guys. I have this gut feeling that Sensei is not pulling our leg here. The fact that he was not just dead but literally gone (as far as we could see, there was no corpse) suggests that he may have gone into the Abyss. Meaning that he also may be able to come back. But let's not get our hopes up.
Now go discuss these new developments while I go cry in a corner...