Not a bad day to start the week off.

Sep 08, 2003 20:01

Last night ended up alright. I went to Mat's for our first jam/practice for this new unnamed project we got going. We played an Uncle Tupelo song (can't remember the title of it since I'm not a regular listener of the band) and also "Whisky Waltz" by local legends Truck Stop Love. We also messed around with two original tunes Mat wrote that are pretty good. I was over there for about a half an hour when Spinelle called and said he wasn't gonna be able to make it. So we decided to get together tonight since we all would be available. I'm pretty excited about this as Mat is a good songwriter, has a strong voice and is a pretty guitar and keyboard player. Besides that it'll be fun to have a little side project to Honeywagen with my friends. We'll have to get a second guitar player to fill things out pretty soon. The plan is to record Mat's demo with him and possible play a couple of shows. That will depend on how busy me and Spinelle's bands get down the road.

After that I ran Mat (he has no vehicle) up to the Lazer studio to drop off the most recent Kelpi CD to Newman. Mat works with their drummer Jon Mumberg at the Mecr and he got a copy to give to the station. Newman played it immediately which was cool. Then I dropped Mat back off at his place and went to the Replay for a beer. I talked with Doug about his future in the bodyguard profession for about 20 minutes and then came home to get some sleep.

Work was pretty busy today. Got to move a lot of mail tubs which is always plenty of hard work for me. I like doing it because the time goes by much faster and it's a good little workout, but sometimes my back would prefer me not to do it. Luckily today isn't one of those days. I came home and took a little nap, ate some dinner and now I'm just gonna watch some Wrestling till I go to Mat's to jam at 9:00. Nick just came by to get his mail that I'm still receiving. He's gonna hopefully get the phone switched over to my name on Thursday which should put an end to some of the creditor/student loan folks bugging me thinking he stills lives here. That would be a welcome change.

On a final note, The Gadjits have a Lawrence show at the end of October (Friday the 26'th). Last February was the last time they played here in town. But I saw them twice this summer in KC and I look forward to doing so again soon. To bad Conor is on the same bill because they blow pretty badly. The Gadjits in my opinion are the best band in KC right now and I encourage everyone that reads this to go. You can thank me after the fact.
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