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lit_chick08 June 3 2011, 15:37:09 UTC
They can't tell anyone what happened to Jenna. To do so would be to invite social workers and lawyers into their lives; there would be questions and investigations and an endless series of home visits which would make the general insanity of their lives that much more acute.

They tell people she is completing an internship out of state, that Alaric is going to stay with them until the internship is over.

In public, they make up stories about how Jenna is doing for when people ask. They promise to pass on well wishes and birthday messages; they respond to emails and text messages she still receives from friends.

In private, it is harder. They go through the motions of family living without really doing it. They make dinner, they do homework, they do laundry and wash dishes, but Jenna's presence is sorely missed. It is difficult to pretend everything is normal when everything is so obviously abnormal.

One night, Elena and Jeremy come home from the Grill to find Alaric making popcorn, a DVD sitting on the counter top. He tells them to take a seat, that it's family night. Both of them want to protest and refuse to participate, but it is obvious Alaric is pushing through the pain to try to give them this moment.

Alaric and Elena share the couch, Jeremy sitting on the floor in front of them, and they watch some cheesy comic book movie Alaric picked out. It is terrible and they all take turns cracking jokes about it, and for a blissful moment, they forget that this is not how it is supposed to be.

It's a start.


bambiscott June 4 2011, 21:13:33 UTC
Aw this one was the best. I'm loving me some Daddy Ric. I need (crave) more of Daddy Ric fics. You should do a long one lol I dont even care what couples are in it as long as Ric talks about his kids lol.


lit_chick08 June 9 2011, 23:37:17 UTC
Daddy Ric is my very favorite kind of Ric. I have a huge soft spot for Ric as a father.


lving_darkness June 27 2011, 03:17:48 UTC
Daddy Ric fic for ever and eveeer <3


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