May 24, 2010 21:11
So today I go to start my car and find it won't start and completely dead... so I take my mom's car to work. after a getting done with this hot day I try taking advantage of my mom's car and it's working AC. After a quick dinner at portillo's I'm about to get onto 159th from mcdonalds and the car just stops... in that pain in the ass spot were there are the three lanes and have to push it to a parking spot and wait for an hr for the towing guy. now it's after 5:40pm and no place is open so I have to drop it off were my mom got it last worked on, and wait for my dad or someone to get me(dad did not have the van since mom took it to work). he gets a rid from the guy next door to get my car (which was fixed) pulls up and were get my moms car lined up in a good spot to leave it... get back in my car and it's dead again after getting a ride home from another couple and get the guy next door again to jump it, we find that it won't hold a charge. so I'll have to see what happens tomorrow. Had my last Magners too.