Oct 19, 2004 02:06
Well, as of the 16th my father has been in the hospital. He was diagnosed with esophogial/stomach cancer a few monthes back. He had gone throught several weeks of Kemo and radiation theropy. Good news was that the tumo had shrank and the cancer hadnt spread, but surgery was still the only way. His surgery was on the 16th of October. We went in at 6:00am and at 8:00 we hugged him and kissed him and wished him goodluck because the next time we saw him wouldnt be till after the surgery. The surgery lasted 9 hours and consisted of the removal of the tumor and surrounding tissues. They had taken out about 1/3 of my fathers stomach and about 6 inches of my fathers esophagus. They reattached the stomach to the remaining tissues of the esophagus which braught the stomach up above his diaphragm. The stomach is naturally below the diaphragm for those of you who didnt know. They removed the top sphincter of the stomach and severd the nerves to the bottoms one. They had streched the stomach up so now instead of food sitting in there and digesting the food will just pass through it, there will be no digestion anymore. Everything about the surgery went perfectly, everything that the doctors expected. Post Surgery is fairly traumatic for the whole family. Its not natural to see your father in the state that mine is in. Not breathing on his own, Tubes sticking out of eveywhere, not being able to speak, wathcing him knowing that he is miserable and hopiong that they will be able to take the Ventilater off him as soon as possible. Its really deepressing to see somethign like that, , knowing you cant do a damn thing about it. He is in so much pain that if they take him off the maximum dosage he gets panic attacks and broniole spasms, which makes it harder for him to breathe. Today they unnplugged the ventilator and he was able to breathe on his own for about 3 hours before they put him back on, which is great news. Hopefully they think they will be able to actually take the tube out and let him breath on his own from now on, which would be the greatest thing in the world cause the lack of communication between him and the family is the most stressful part of it. Thats about it for now, i will post more as things change. Thanks for your support all, and thanks most of all to my girlfrriend Gale, she stuck by me for every single second of it that she could, she skipped school for me too and prolly would have taken off more if i hadnt told her to go back. I love her to death and theres nothing in this world that could ever compare to her. I love you Gale