Jan 11, 2011 19:02
...hi guys. I got sucked into RP and am not keeping up with my f-list at all. 8D
Late merry christmas and happy new year and everything nice like that, etc etc~~ I have fics I need to write, and read, lmaaooo.
How are you all doing?
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Happy New Year, etc.!
Thank you. 8D
Ah, nice characters! Are you rping them on LJ?
I got sucked into the world of Pandora Hearts recently, and I rp Reim Lunettes. That's on IM, though--I mostly lost interest in rp awhile ago, but there's one crossover rp I'm doing with one person. (Only a couple days a week now that school's started. It does not take over my life.)
Yeah, those particular characters. xP Though I RP on forums too. So much RPPPP.
REIM. <333 I was thinking of picking him up too, but Elliot won over in the end because he's my favourite. Reim is really awesome, though. (Good stuff. xD)
Awesome. Hmm, forum rps as well? That is a lot.
I love Reim, he is so flustered and adorable. I like Elliot too, especially in combination with Leo. Lots of cool Pandora Hearts characters. &hearts
lmao, yeah, I mod one of my games too. Sometimes I amaze myself with how I can keep up with it all. It's barely, but lol, somehow.
Indeed. <3 Pfft, where I'm taking Elliot (I haven't begun playing him in a game yet) he won't have a Leo, though I'll try to hunt one down... But, god, he'll be such a brat once he gets situated without a Leo to keep an eye on him, lmao.
A mod, huh? So you plunged deeply into the world of rp.
Haha, an Elliot without a Leo would be such a terror. And he might run off and do something stupid enough to get himself killed.
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