(no subject)

Apr 09, 2006 11:03

The strangest thing happened to me last night/this morning. I had a dream! Or perhaps I should be more exact and explain that I remembered having a dream. Normally when I go to bed, I close my eyes, fall asleep, hear my alarm, get out of bed. I never remember what happens while I sleep. Well, almost never, it happens every once in a while. The wierd thing about my most recent dream however, was that it seemed as if I had dreamt something similar to it before, and yet I have no recollections of ever having dreamt it or even thought about it. Already, the dream is starting to fade, so I will quickly try to summarize what happened before the memory disappears into my subconscious.

There was a group of "bad guys" who had taken over a house. It was not the house I live in right now, nor any house I have any recollections of. The house itself was either mine or that of a friend; I'm not sure which, but I doubt it really matters. In the backyard there was what seemed like a "storage area." Think of it like a shed that was built into the rest of the house, but is missing the doors. Anyways, inside this so-called "shed," is a secret trapdoor built into the "roof" of the shed. Opening the trapdoor reveals a knotted rope that can be climbed into one of the second level rooms inside the house. Now, as I said before, the house had been captured or something like that. My role in the dream was that of a resistance fighter inside an occupied country and my sole contact was a woman who was still living inside the house. I would visit her from time to time while evading all contact with the bad guys. Sometimes they would see me before I got into the house and they would chase me around, but I would always be able to get into the secret passage inside the shed without them seeing where I went. This went on for the most part of the dream until I was walking along the streets a few blocks away and encountered someone else. It was a young girl, perhaps a few years younger than myself. She had reddish-auburn hair and blue eyes I think. Regardless, this was a stark contrast to everyone else in the dream. The men chasing me were always dressed in black, sort of like SWAT commandos. My friend inside the house was older, maybe in her mid-to-late 20's. I can't remember what she looked like, but I seem to recall thinking that her colours were "washed out." Anyways, back to the girl I found on the street. She had two younger sisters, around eight and twelve, maybe younger. The youngest one was amazing. Her eyes were bright blue and her hair was a vivid red, almost as if it was dyed, yet it seemed completely natural looking. For reasons I cannot remember now, I was convinced that the streets were dangerous as well and I felt that the safest place for the three of them was inside the house with my friend. So the four of us snuck down the gravel path along the side of the house into the backyard. This seemed very similar to my actual house. As we got into the backyard, we quickly rushed over into the shed, but the trapdoor had been boarded up. Then the basement door of the house leading into the backyard opened up and a few dogs ran out with some of the men. It was an ambush! The youngest sister ended up being captured despite my best efforts and I think the middle one was as well, but I can't quite remember now. With their hostage(s) in hand, they disappeared back into the house through the basement door and shut it behind them. Enraged, I chased after them, only to turn back after several huge white dogs charged towards me. I then managed to pry the trapdoor open and helped the remaining sister(s) up into the safe-room while pledging that I would do all I could to free her sister(s). Shortly after that my alarm went off and I woke up. The part that I could swear was deja vu was when the men ambushed us in the backyard. In the dream itself, I stood there flatfooted, sure that this had happened before.
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