and I awoke to the taste of tears.

Mar 27, 2005 11:49

I never know how to start entrys. I guess it doesnt matter.
yesterday lilly and I did the whole breakfast thing with josh, rob, grace and..some other..creepy person and that was a lot of fun. we went back to joshes and hung out there for a little while, then went home.
we went to grahams at supper-time-ish and watched star wars, at which point, I remembered I know way to many of the words to the return of the jedi. god I suck, but at least I know I suck. before the movie started graham insisted in making horrible noises with the cracker bag I showed the cracker bag whos boss by kicking its ass across the room. aka, I chucked it.

this morning I woke up, and I was like wtf mate, Ive been crying. and then I remembered all the messed up dreams I had last night and rationalized it. apparently everyone is going to die or have to completly rely on other people and life is going to be fuckin dandy until some completly fucked up thing comes and eats everyone. what a happy dream.

anyway, 3 days until I head home. or until I hide away in some crazy alleyway and wait for everyone to forget who I am.

I found out today that after I get home, my mom is going to the U.S. and then coming home for god knows how long and then going to N.S. good. fuckin. times. I think shes allergic to being a parent.

on a happier note, everyone was made from super sperm.
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