
Feb 25, 2005 02:35

ok so after replying to t-hole's comment i realized i should make a whole new post for this.

I haven't got laid the past 2 months. It was last year the last time i had sex. Well I guess it was the end of the year. lol This is a long time though. Can't take it much longer.

So...during spring break i will be in the same million plus city as a former fling for a while. But I'm not calling him. Even deleted his number. Why you ask? Here's another pieice of advice for the morning:

--Be very careful when turning someone you like into a fuck buddy. Even if they live 12 hours away.--

Yeah I thought the dude was pretty cool last winter when I met him, then really liked him this summer when he came back and we hooked up, but no sex. I was good. Then he was back for homecoming and I thought, "hey I may never see this dude again and it's been a while..." So I was at a crossroads, and realized I had two choices:
a. keep my legs closed and not be "another one of those girls" or
b. doink in the possibility it could be the best sex of my life which i seriously needed

Of course I chose b. I don't regret it. Awesome sex, lots of bruises that i didn't notice until 12 hours later. Anyway, I still like this guy but I've now crossed over into the pile as one of those girls, never to return from it.

Fast foreward-
I've done a fine job not thinking about the spoofhound until he's back a couple days before christmas. Had others to occupy my time the previous months if you catch my drift. However, I catch one smile from him and all the hard work I've done not to like him falls apart. Of course we have some "fun" over break, but seeing him made my head crazy. I even cried to PT about it. Then I realized NO MORE! He lives 12 hours away and we don't know each other well enough to carry on any type of long distance relationship even if my wildest hopes and dreams were to come true and he wanted to too! And I'm that girl! I have cut myself off! Well that's unless we happen to run into each other in Austin. That would be like a sign from the sex gods. And you don't want to piss off the sex gods!

At the very least I have someone to use as a measuring stick (no pun intended ;) for other guys. However, the maryville man pool is very small and I havent found any that are even 1/4 as awesome as him. I mean I'll even settle for 1/8 for now! It pisses me off though b/c some of our mutual friends have told me we would have been totally awesome together I had met him 2 years ago when he still lived in maryville. Grr! I guess it's one of the few things i'm looking forward to in the big kid world...a whole new man pool! Until then, I guess I have someone to only doink (and not like) every couple months if we're both available.

I just realized I sound like a crazy 15 year old on her period. And that this site is the devil. lol
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