Inside Out - A Cthulhu Live Story and Call For Characters!

Mar 01, 2010 13:12

Ladies, Gentlemen, Witches, Sorcerers, Cultists, Victims, Mad
Scientists and denizens of eldrich dimensions beyond our
understanding, welcome to "Inside Out" a Cthulhu Live story based on
the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition rules.

The story takes place in the latter half of the 20th century at an
exclusive New England insane asylum, err psychiatric hospital. Players
will be either, Doctors, Nurses, Patients or visitors to the facility.
All players will be human.

Tentative location: Baker Systems
Tentative date(s): 3-20 or 3-27
Tentative Times: 5:30 PM - 10:00 PM

If you would like to play, PLEASE let us know ahead of time!!!!! We
are pregenerating all characters and we'd like to get you a bio so you
can decide on your costuming :) (Costumes will get you bonus stuff!!)

Details and the request form can be found at:

Or just go to the CID website and click on the Cthulhu Live tab!

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